well i want to use the magnus 2 blade broadheads.(not the stinger, just the regular two blade screw in) they penetrated deeper then my muzzys today during a field test. however, i have some concern about the wound channel. the muzzys make a circle cutting diameter and the magnus's make a "slit". will i have any troubles with a blood trail if i use the magnus 2 blade broadhead? let me know what you think.
Alot of mechs like the raqge and snypers make a slit and the blood trails are not a problem. Jeff, Schultzy and a few others shoot magnus and can surely tell you about this specific head.
I personally do not think you will have any problems if your only concern is whether a slit will not create a good blood trail. Sounds like you have no worries IMO.
thanks. that is my only worry. this last year i have practiced hard. i can get about 1.5" group at 60 yards if the wind is not blowing. the 2 blades are sweet with my easton xx75 camo hunter arrows, with 4" helical feathers. thanks for the input. ill stick an elk in about 3 weeks right in the sweet spot.
I would recommed the buzzcuts for extra blood loss, they make a two blade as well and the a lot of the folks that work for magnus swear by em, I shoot the 4 blade buzzcut and the deer i have taken with em left very good blood trails
well, that is good to know. at 60 yards i can get the shafts touching. i can get the groupings pretty darn tight. i usually have to shoot at three different points on my targets as not to damage the fletching. i only practice at such a distance because i hunt mule dear and elk. sometimes the shooting distance can be pretty far.
The regular standard Magnus 2 blades....they are great heads. I've killed a bunch of deer with them. Re: bloodtrails...never really had a problem, though I will admit that on some shots that might not be into the major artery areas...the trails were a little thinner than a 3 or 4 blad at the beginning of the trail, but didn't take long to get going. I wouldn't hesitate to use them, they are probably the best penetrating head I've ever used. They are tough. Good luck!
IdahoHunter I agree with Brknarrow, A few years ago i was sponsord by magnus and at first i was very sceptical about a two blade until i shot the stinger. It shot Great and the Blood trail was good. the following year i switched to the Buzzcut and i liked this head even better all around . No worrys.