Blind called and rattled in a solid buck (at least 6point) around 4:15 PM yesterday. Had a pair of Golden Estrous scent wicks, each at about 15 yards perpendicular to my stand. Buck came in downwind of me (behind me) and slowly walked to my left before meandering away. No response to grunt as he slowly walked away. I probably should have rattled. Didn't seem to spook but evidently knew something wasn't quite right. Had at about 30 yards but was through some smaller pines so no shot. Another 15 yards or so and would have been in a shooting lane. Haven't been able to get out much this year but he's the nicest I've seen on stand probably ever, and was the 3rd time I've seen deer on stand out of 6 sits, so I'll take it. I'd say the activity is on the rise for sure though.
Seeing more sign. A scrape that is here every year and was smoking hot a month ago is fresh today with a big rub right next to it.... Looking good in zone 9 Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
missed a good buck friday. walking into a spot 22yrd to my left real nice buck drop my bag creep up draw back and i f#$%^ing peeped and sailed it just over his back he go 2 steps and just keeps going a sneak back grab an arrow never taking my eyes of the buck(this is important) knock the arrow creep up within 25 yrds drawback and realize i have a non shock collar rage on. still pick my spot i'm not going to peak this time tap my release and sounds like a helicopter taking off another miss. by the time i got another arrow he was in the thick stuff. never blew at me though and was in full rut. needless to say I am still devastated had 2 lay ups and i blew it
How'd everyone make out? Not a lot of activity here in Berkshire County for me. Took a small buck Thanksgiving Eve... haven't seen a deer since.. been out w gun about 4 times for short sits...cams completely nocturnal.
Haverhill Ma here and I had a pretty Good year with the bow. Shot a 125lb dressed doe on 10/26. And a solid 8pt thanksgiving morning 8 pointer only dressed at 127. Small deer but best set of antlers I've seen while hunting.
Thanks guys. I've been on archery talk for a few years but this site is pretty cool. Lots of different topics .
I'm a south Shore zone 11 guy, getting pretty restless here! My cameras have been teasing me with a bachelor group of a 4, a 7, an 8 and a 9 pointer that like to come out at 8 a.m.
Nice.. Zone 9 had a nice 10 on a cam.. 3 am all over seen.. But I've been slow this year.. But I can feel it coming on hard Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Got this swampdonkey on one of my cameras this morning.. That would be a keeper I think Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk