Beware fellas of any tick bites and make sure you check yourself real well after being in the woods. After developing a large round red rash around a recent tickbite a few days ago, I was able to get in to my doctor's office. They never bothered to have me tested and besides, testing is hit or miss with lyme disease. My tick had embedded itself on my left hip and though my wife pulled it out with tweezers and we were sure it was completely out, it evidently had fed long enough to give me the disease. I am now on antibiotics(doxycycline)and the doctor along with the pharmicist are confident I will be rid of it. After reading up on the subject I've found out Lyme disease can cause some bad long term problems if not caught early. I've been in the woods since a boy and the first time for me. Be careful out there fellas, I know I'll be spraying down with permanone products from now on to help keep those damn ticks away.
Oh man good luck cougar. i have heard if not caught in time it can be real bad. sounds like you did the right thing and got in early. The ticks were the worst ever this year with all the wet foilage.
I am sure I will be fine, well at least they say I will. Long term and if not caught early enough it can reoccur years after you contracted it and treatment at that time can be extensive, expensive and cause lots of serious problems. Some insurance companies will not even pay for serious treatment later on because its an inexact science of testing for it.
I had one Imbed in me in JANUARY of this year, the test was negative, but I was on 10 days of doxy for good measure. There are some seriously bad stuff that can happen down the road with lyme(as mentioned several times), Im glad you caught it early Coug.
Good luck with that, hopefully you'll be fine. Get yourself some tick spray that the active ingredient is Permathrin. Ticks laugh at Deet. I use "Sawyer" namebrand for work and it's the real deal, works great.
good thing you got it checked out right away. Our ticks havent yet came out in least not where i am at havent had one all spring but im sure its only a matter of time tho.
Funny you mention this, I was going to make a post last night since I discovered one on my back last night when I went to get in the shower. I had to drive to my parents to have my dad pull it out. He got it all, but we're keeping an eye on it (and the tick is in the freezer to be sent in for testing if need be). It's the first time I ever had one. Question, are you supposed to just look for the bulls eye marking, and THEN go to the doctor, or are you supposed to be treated regardless? It's only been 24 hrs, but no rash.
I am positive I got mine while mushroom hunting and it took about a week and a half for a rash to develop. Best thing I could tell you is to call your doctor office and ask. I've found ticks on me every year while fishing ponds, mushroom hunting, etc., but its the first time I've actually had one with its head or mouth embedded in my skin. My wife actually had to dig with fine tweezers to get everything out, it bled a little and I then used alcohol on the spot. About the doesn't have to be a bullseye and to be honest from what I have read most times it isn't a classic bullseye but a sold rash area like mine is. There is good info. on AT stickied at the top about this very subject, but don't know if its ok to post a link to it here.
Yeah I found a few on me this fall, but this was the first that was buried in me as well. There's very few cases of Lyme disease in this area (in fact my dad, uncle, sister, and mom have all gotten them in the last year. All were removed and no disease, but it's better to be careful. I will call the doctor tomorrow.
i have never had a tick buried in me. our ticks havent came out yet but they will be here in full force soon enough. last year i had like 10 ticks in one day but never got the rash or anything. i got lucky. be careful this fall when u hit the woods
DO NOT think that because you are in a low risk area that you can assume you are safer or less likely to get it. By looking at a Lymes Disease map the northeastern United States is the highest risk area and my area(Illinois) supposedly is a low risk area. As for now I am the first case in my county this year to the best of my knowledge.
I know. The NE is a big area. I've read that New England states have a high prevalence for some reason. I'm just saying I know a lot of people who have had ticks buried in them (even the past months) and all were negative. Like I said though, better to be safe than sorry which is why I'm calling my doctor.:d
Good idea and most likely you don't have it. But one thing I learned from my doctor and reading up some on LD, a negative test doesn't necessarily mean a person doesn't have it because current testing procedures don't always detect it.
Glad your okay. It seems like here in western wisconsin the ticks are down from previous years, thats just me though.
I get tested every year when I get my cholesterol checked. I have had deer ticks on me but never found one in me. Glad to see you caught it early. I know of a few people that were diagnosed early and they are fine. But like stated if not caught it can be devestating. It's no joke and not to be taken lightly.
we can get it bad up in the north western part of minnesota...its very rare to come out of the woods without having at least a couple ticks crawling on you.