Super jealous of you guys putting down some nice animals. Great looking Elk and Buck! I am 16 days away from my opener, not that I am counting!
Pulled cards last night. Excited to see one deer in the first video. I had several videos of him last year. Doesn't look like he has changed much. Not much mass, but lots of length. I thought he would blow up this year. Maybe another year would help? Hard to tell. I think it would be hard to pass him up this year with a good shot. He likes to come out just at dusk. He did this a lot last year. Saw him a couple times early in the morning also last year. The rut usually brings in a lot of new bucks to area because we hold a lot of does. 2_zpsmy2xm4zt.mp4
Sweet looking bucks...I hope you get your hands on one of those!! Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
we have a early antlerless season this weekend, Hopefully i can get out and put a doe down for us. biggest thing is my son will be youth hunting with me as priority number one. so he is gonna try and take a doe with his bow. should be a great weekend.
Always a treat to take the next generation of hunters out in to the woods. I love taking my 9 yr old nephew out whenever I can and will love to take my son out when he gets old enough!
Anything hitting the ground? Any arrows flying at the pope and young squirrels? What's everyone seeing? Go!
Seen a bocat and half a dozen hens yesterday. Also seen a couple does, but no shot on any of them. Still pretty warm down here. Maybe when the temps cool down I'll see more activity. Heading to GA in a couple weeks to go hunt some familiar ground and get after a few bucks from last season.
had an awesome weekend hunting with my son. tonight we saw a dozen bucks, at one point 7 of them were in the food plot and all inside of 50 yards, but none would come close enough, he was shaking hard core. It was awesome! I had numerous doe i could have shot but was letting him try to get it done for his first time ever. Its safe to say after tonight he is hooked! our regular season opens up on the 1st of October, it will be here soon!
So I finally got 5 trail cams out yesterday evening. Yeah its only two weeks before the season but I guess that is better late than never!
So apparently browtines were banned on our lease this year and no one told me Few new bucks that have showed up on camera this past week+ "Deuce" "Mack" "Fool's Goal" And also, a few better bucks with brows Rookie of the Year "RoY" "Hitchhiker"
That might be the largest 4 pointer I have ever seen. I would stick him with an arrow in a heartbeat and mount him. He is a trophy in my book!
Oh he's getting a rage in the cage if he steps out like that But greatest 4 pointer ever goes to my buddy's deer they call "Goal Posts": maybe I should give mine a year or two
Put another doe down Sunday pm. Got it done self filming! Video coming soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk