I'd rather be lucky than good, but it just so happens that I'm gooooood. I think hunting is mostly chance and luck. You can do your best to locate a vicinity, then an area, then a few possible trails and so on, but no one is good enough to KNOW they'll see a particular deer. In fact, most people dont truely expect to see the deer they shoot, on the day they shoot it..They may have an idea, but thats it. I "knew" I was gonna see the 2 bucks I shot this past fall, but I didnt really KNOW, and, I consider myself an able and very competent hunter..Know what I mean ???? You can only do so much..The rest is up to chance. A few seasons ago, I had an arrow smack a tiny, little RCH limb while shooting at a buck of a lifetime(for me anyhow). Now, I knew that buck was on that property and that he had and would eventually transverse the portion of the wood-lot I was in. However, I did not KNOW he would come past me on this particular day- just by CHANCE, he did.