We had some long sleeve shirts made up last week. They sold out, so we had some new short sleeves made up....they are pretty unique or "fresh" for a hunting industry shirt. I really like em! Not a sales pitch, just to show off my new threads...we are selling em if anyone is interested though. Here's the new design of the short sleeves we have made up...getting more soon. Offset Chest patch. Writing on the right side of shirt Wesbite across the back Zoomed out Pic showing side and front Whatcha think?
Here are the long sleeve ones...Not sure if any are left though. Left chest patch. Right sleeve. Big back logo...similar to the tshirt chest patch.
I'll trade you some used mouth calls, a HNI decal, and a pair of socks for a shirt! Sounds like one heckuva a deal!
email [email protected] if you want one and just tell him Trevor told you about them...I think they are $15....sales pitch over. Back to opinions on them.
I like the overall design but I swear, if I see that font you used on the white shirt for the "Calls To Die For" one more time my head might pop. We used it two years ago on the cover design for WKP "The Grind" and since then I've seen it on this year's Drury releases, the new Real Hunting DVD, Lee and Tiffany's new show "The Crush", and about 1/2 dozen other spots. The hunting industry has fallen in love with Bleeding Cowboy. Stop the madness!! Other than that, I like them.
LOL Bleeding Cowboy was the font name, that is funny. We were actually recommended that font by the printing shop guy, who doesn't even hunt. I've never even realized it, but the Grind title does have the same font. That's funny. It is a pretty cool font though. I didn't realize the use was THAT widespread though in the hunting industry anyway, after all it is #8 on the Top 100 fonts at dafont.com which is where we were checking them out, nothing new really.
Sorry Justin, but they got you beat in the design department right now fella', Bleeding Cowboy or not. You better step up your game and steal some ideas from the ATA pictures you took of various clothing. :D Okay, that was cruel. Sorry buddy. Thanks for the cool Bowhunting.com shirts.....I wear them about 4 out of 7 days a week.