I was thinking of lowering my poundage about pounds on my bow. It's at 72 and I now want to be smooth and easy to hold for longer periods. What do I lose if anything besides FPS. Is it ok to have a #70 bow set #10 under max? I always cranked it up as far as it goes. Or will I get better performance out of #60 bow maxed out?
Depends on the bow. If it has floating limb pockets (where the limb pocket moves with the limb) then you shouldn't see any difference in accuracy of the bow. If the limb pockets are fixed to the riser then the limb rises out of the pocket as poundage is dropped and therefore becomes less stable but probably not enough that the average archer is going to notice. The big difference you'll see is in tuning since it's going to effect your arrow spine. After that it'll be resighting for the change in velocity unless you switch to a lighter arrow to make up the difference in both spine and arrow weight/velocity.
It is a Bowtech Tribute, I am shooting 29" draw with Goldtip XTHUNTER 5575 arrows with a 100 gr. tip. After looking on Goldtip's website it seems I should be at a 7595 arrow. http://www.goldtip.com/
For what it's worth, I shot and won a LOT of 3D tournaments last year with a 70lb Constitution set at 59lbs. I was even able to get 309fps out of it with a loaded up string, 30" draw, and at 5gpp. This past indoor season I was shooting a 60lb Constitution at 50lbs too, and managed to shoot a couple of perfect 300 vegas scores. I'd say both of those bows were shooting just fine. I think the benefit of shooting a bow where it's most comfortable is going to seriously outweigh the small amount of extra efficiency you get by bottoming those limbs out.