last night I shot a nice 8 pointer with my bow, would have been my first buck with a bow. I shot him at only 8 yards from a ground blind with my shortest pin being 20 yards so the shot went a little high. Broadhead went all the way through but the arrow stuck in him about half way, he broke off the fletchings with a few inches of arrow but never found the broadhead. The part of the arrow we did find was covered in blood, we found really good blood were the arrow broke off and followed it for about a hundred yards before it started to thin out, we ended up tracking him for over a mile on pin drops and then lost blood, grid searched after we lost the trail for 4 hours in hill country bit came up empty Handed, what happened? Should I have done anything different?
How long did you wait after the shot to track? What did the blood look like? Was he broadside? Quartering too? Away? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All the questions that arch asked plus another crucial one.... Where did you hit him? High was said but high where. You can pay for a dog to come out and look.
I shot this buck Sunday oct. 6. You can see the entrance and exit of arrow still dont know how i didnt spine him. He has been on camera just about everyday since then. I had no blood on arrow just tallow and 1 inch long dark( top of back hair) also never found a single drop of blood. Sent from my SM-N920P using Forums mobile app
Waited 3 hours after the shot, blood was a little dark but had some bubbles in it, deer was perfectly broadside
Was hard to tell since it happened so fast but after replaying the shot in my head for the couple days I think it might have been in the dead zone between the spine and lungs
Did you find a bed with blood in it? If you tracked it that far and it never laid down you have a wounded deer not a dead one.
Only found one bed towards the end of the blood trail and there was only a few drops of blood in the bed