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Looking to Put In For Moose...

Discussion in 'Big Game Hunting' started by ecorrigan, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. ecorrigan

    ecorrigan Weekend Warrior

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Northwestern Montana
    Okay guys, saying that I'm looking to put in for moose in Montana is like saying I'm looking to buy a lotto ticket. I know the odds are about the same, but you can't win if you don't play.
    This will be the first year putting in for anything so I'm hoping, dreaming, wishing and praying that something happens. Most likely nothing, but I still have to try.
    My question is this: How do I go about preparing for a moose hunt? I mean it's not like I'm going out to hunt whitetail or anything. I know it's going to be difficult to do and it's going to take more patience than I've put into a hunt in the past, but it's a dream of mine! Moose with a bow! How cool would that be?!
    Anyways, I get sidetracked easily thinking about it! What should I take into consideration when planning/carrying out this hunt? From the scouting all the way to right before I release the arrow. I could use any and all advice that people who have been in this situation or who have already taken a moose with a bow can give. Where do I find examples of how to call? I'll be hunting during the rut (God willing) so what do I need to know about that? Anything will help guys, so help me out!!
  2. ecorrigan

    ecorrigan Weekend Warrior

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Northwestern Montana
    Also, how many of you have done a drop-camp option in another locale? My wife and I are considering doing that for moose in Canada somewhere and at some point in time. We'll have to see...
  3. habitat

    habitat Weekend Warrior

    Oct 14, 2009
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    check out bowsite for both questions also for the moose in MT.have you checked out the super tags and raffles sometimes those have better chances than the drawings.I won the DU moose raffle for CO 2 years ago and drew WY moose this year

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