My stepdad and I are wanting to go out on a turkey hunt this season but neither of us has ever done it before so we're wanting to find a guide that can go with us and help us out (stand, calls, etc). Anyone know of any resources for searching this out? Additionally, we were thinking a few hundred bucks per person but is that price expectation way too low? FWIW, we live in California (I'm in San Diego and he's between Fresno and Bakersfield) and would like our first time turkey hunting to be nearby rather than having to travel too far.
Phils guide service in Rosebud, SD. My buddy took his brother and dad out there and they killed 10 birds in a day and a half.
Sorry, I didn't specify that we would like to stay in California for our first turkey hunt. I've updated the original post to include that information. Thanks for your reply, however.