I know nothing about Trad archery. What can you tell me about this bow? Google got me no where. Obviously it is a PSE takedown recurve. I got that much.... Is it a newer bow, older bow? What would it be worth? It has a stabilizer bushing as well as taped in the riser for a sight or quiver. It is also tapped for a rest.
Was my intention... But the weight is uncomfortable at my draw length to start playing with much. It is not marked for a DL but is marked at 60 pound draw weight.
I shoot 29 inch on a compound, how does that usually relate to a trad bow? DL is usually shorter on Trad equipment isnt it?
Scott: My DL is about 1 inch shorter w/ my recurve than my compound I am 29 with my compound and right under 28 with my recurve.
If you guys could throw an approx "worth" at me for this bow. It is just to much weight for me to play with. Will probably try to sell it and get a bow with less draw weight. I got it from some guy who owed me some money, so I took this bow for partial payment.
Scott. How long is the bow? The worst thing a newbie can do is get a bow thats too short and too much draw weight. I would not go under 60" on a recurve and IMHO 60lb is way too much. You dont want bad habbits creeping in which is usually what happens when you are over bowed. As to worth probably about $80 to $100
Without knowing the proper place to measure for length... From the tip of each limb tip I got 58 1/2 inches. I am not going to try to shoot this bow anymore. It is to much weight for me to comfortably try to reintroduce myself to a trad bow. It has been a lot of year since I last owned a recurve or a long bow.
I would think you could get as much as $200.00 for it but not much more than that. It's at best an entry level bow.
It's the right thing to do Scott. Find a lighter one In that 45lb range. As for a price I haven't a clue on what It's worth but I'd try and get 100.00 to 150.00 out of It. Good luck!!
Yeah... I can draw it hit anchor and everything with out much of a hitch... It is just to much weight to attempt to work on form and getting a feel for aiming the bow. I was thinking about a 45 pounder to have some fun with. I think I am going to pick up a long bow rather than a recurve though to play with.