I'm in serious need of replacing my current pack for this spring, so I'm start to look around for a nice turkey vest/pack. I was looking through Cabelas, and there were a few vests that caught my eye. The Super Tat'r II and the SpeedHunter looked promising as they have great storage compartments (for mouth calls, strikers, friction bases, etc, as well as quick flipping seat pad. The prices are bit high ($90), but if it's a quality product, I suppose it could be worth it. Two lesser priced alternatives that caught my eye were the Super Elite III and the Deluxe Turkey Vest. The Super Elite is nice, because it has the "blood-proof" rear game storage as well as ample compartments. The Deluxe turkey vest is the least expensive of all of them at $40, but it's just regular webbing straps, not a full material vest, so you loose some storage options with this one. Anyone have any opinions on any of these, or a suggestion on a vest other than what was mentioned here? I've also considered getting a vest that could double for bowhunting duties as I don't have one for that either. The only issue I could foresee would be that the storage compartments are designed to accommodate different items for each one, making storage a bit difficult. Thoughts?
I've had about 5 different vests.....I got the Tat'r last season....It is the best one I've ever had and I'll use it till I wear it out.... SB
If I hunt from a blind I use a small daypack instead. My vest is a walmart special that is now 5 seasons old, and still going strong. I got it for 25 dollars, so $5 per season of use isn't bad at all, lol. I mainly use it when shotgun hunting now though. I have heard great things about the Tatr series of vests, but have never personally worn one. Seem like they would be nice. Whatever vest you get, make sure it has a VERY nice seat. The comfort of the seat is by far the number one important thing for me. My seat sucks on mine, so I zipped it off and carry my huntcomfort cushion. Got it free to field test a few years back, and they now sell for 60 bucks (ripoff), but man is that thing comfortable. If I was you, whichever had the thickest padding on the rear would get my vote.
BuckLick Creek High Back Turkey Lounger available only through Bass Pros. Matt, you need to look at mine before you buy. Seriously.
THAT is gospel. After trying Rob's last season finally after watching him actually use it for a couple prior without the lightbulb coming on.........I literally ran to Bass Pro to pick up the new version of it. Rob liked his old one so much he had me pick him up ANOTHER one. :d Can't wait to snuggle down into that thing in front of some gobbling! Just trust Rob and try his before you buy anything.
Either. I will most likely still run and gun this year, but I will make the call when it gets closer to the season. Either way I'm not using a blind. Topin, how long have you had the vest? How useful do you find the separate component specific storage compartments? Rob, I will have to take a look at that. I want to shoot your Carnivore anyways
Better make it a rum and coke, I don't drink beer. In all seriousness, it just might be borderline impossible, but I like a challenge, so we'll see.
You hunt PA, Trust me, your going to BUST alot of turkeys. I hope you have enough to keep you occupied.
One flock of 35+ birds as it stands right now, but they're generally split into two major groups. So maybe I made a mistake by posting this in the bowhunting section, but regardless of what weapon I'm taking, I still need a vest either way, so...any other suggestions?
I'll ask my friend if he wants to meet you for some beer Jeff lol. He just moved to NC for the next 6 months for an internship type deal....He has taken at least 10 birds without a blind bowhunting, not sure on total numbers. Fall and spring, gobblers and hens. He only uses his Mathews, and rarely is seen inside a blind. For someone hunting turkey without a blind, the vest useage is easy, they use it just the same a shotgun hunter would. He carries way more stuff than I would use, but it works for him. He is better with his natural voice than I am with calls, which is why I find it stupid he carries so many calls..... I guess his setups could be considered man made blinds though? When he decides it is time to setup, he will crawl up into or behind some thick stuff, or kneel down behind a cedar, etc...use the pruners to snip a few shooting lanes, and get ready to draw. Not premade, kind of sitdown and snip some lanes? You bust more birds, but you get on more birds as well. I don't think one can realistically expect to hunt this way all season long with only one hunting spot....you will pressure the birds too much. I think having plenty of access to move around is key here too. Ill call him up today, and see what his top 3 tips are for bowhunting without a blind in the springtime, Im curious as well since I want to try it this year. Rob, is that vest awesome for it's comfort or functionality? I may pick up a vest this year possibly, and I want comfort first, good pockets second.
I to have the BuckLick Creek self supporting back but mine is an older model. I dont use it much anymore now that i just bowhunt, but i love the thing!! Like Rob said check this one out before you buy
Break out the Drinks Jeffo :d actually My Indiana bird was a run and Gun <<(Bow) kill. No blind and a little luck. I had came upon three big Toms walking an old coal mine haul road that was grown up and reduced to an old quad trail now. The birds were following Hens and would not come back after i set up a camo portable shield type blind. My only option was to go where they wanted to be and that was down the trail they were following. I left everything but my bow and mouth call and hit the woods. I was able to use the woods and get way ahead of them. And believe me they were not in a hurry. I set up 15 yards off the trail behind some small pine trees with several small openings that would give me a chance to shoot through when ther were behind cover. After an eternaty and seeing a hen come in to view down the trail somewhat i decided to relax my neck from looking to my left for so long. After standing there for a minute and now looking somewhat to my right i seen movement on the other end of the trail. It was two more Toms comming at me. When they went behind a small pine i drew, when the first one stepped out, i let him have it :d His buddy and the other three decided to flog him repeatedly. I actually had to chase a couple off him that did not want to leave. So it depends on the situation but can be done. I have belly crawled upon sever birds sucessfully with the scatter gun as well. I prefer Coors light in long necks :d :d
Trev, I have two main pieces of ground I can hunt. One 90 acre and one 1200. I'm not too worried about pressuring the birds if I choose this route. Seems like I will have to check out this Bucklick Creek vest. Checking online now. Thanks, guys.
Rob and Matt. Have either of you used the "new" version of this vest? A quick look over on BP, and I liked what I saw (although I have to admit, the Tat'r looks a bit better, but there was only one review, and it wasn't great. Now, I take a lot of these reviews with a grain of salt, but to quote the user review, "I have used the BuckLick Creek vest for nearly 7 years. This vest offers no durability in the back support option that I have come to rely on. I purchased the new improved lunger and truly believed that it was the best vest I ever had. The problem is that no matter how otherwise functional a turkey vest is, it must be comfortable to have any value. There is zero comfort in this lounger due to faulty design different from the original. The seating is poorly stiched with nylon in China and does not hold the weight of a 9 year old. Buyer beware. If you can get your hands on an original, do it! It would be worth twice the price of this lounger."
Unorthadox yes!! But it worked. It is the ultamate to me also to have the birds come in, in interacting mode but it dosent always work. I have killd two of my bow birds with nothing but cedar or pine branches piled up in front of, and behind me, and they were coming in because of calling and a decoy setup. Keep in mind that the decoy had there attention. In this situation I spoke of, I think there was a strong possability i could have pulled it off if they came in looking. I was tucked in a very dark shadowed pine thicket and had minimal openings to shoot through. There was enough obstacals that would have hidden me while drawing, but i may have had to hold for a minute or so. Fair question, honest answer If i have birds that will not work, and i see an oportunity to get on them in another way, Ill step outside the box if needed, and not give up on them just because they are not on a string. Id still like to have that drink one day
I dont see why you deem it impossible? There is always a set up you just have to find it, like Trevs buddy how he finds a good place to sit, im sure he does all of this before seriously engaging the bird. After that all you need is patience and wait for the right opportunity to draw. You seem to get bored easy, who wants to be cooped up in a blind all day??:d
Denny (tkycaller) is incredible with his mouth calls, World class in fact but he doesn't solely rely on them, he carries box, glass and slate calls too. :d Because if he's any kind of turkey hunter who has done it long enough he KNOWS that one call DOES NOT make a turkey hunter. Each day different birds prefer different calls. If you use one and only one call you very well may be walking by many many turkeys. Just by switching calls you can open a gobbler up and make him come. Like I said above, Denny is a World class mouth caller but he takes many different calls with him as well. I do too. And as far as comfort, yes the Bucklick creek is very comfortable. The best I've found in fact the first year owning it, I sat and watched the Super Bowl in it that year.
But I have to be honest with you blood brother. I've watched HB's videos online and I promise you, I've watched them do things that they would NEVER get away with on PA birds. Our birds bust with just a twitch of a shotgun and although one might find a dumb bird, I cannot even imagine getting drawn on a bird seeking out it's caller.