An old neighbor of mine got on the staff of Midwest Whitetails, filming hunts for Bill Winke. He is looking for a partner/cameraman and asked me if I knew anybody who would be interested. Seeings how I shoot Bowtech (you will have to shoot Hoyt) and don't want to leave my place that much I declined. My friend has 500 acres in North Central MO that he has been managing for a few years now and has some nice bucks on it. That is where the hunting will take place. It would be best if you lived close. I think he plans on an early season hunt and some rut hunts. He will have the camera equipment. Anyone interested shoot me a pm and I will get you in touch.
Alot of these types of "gigs" require certain gear, for the obvious corporate sponsorhip blah blah blah of the show. The Drury's are another one like this......they have a filming contest called "I shot it with my PSE"........same kind of deal......2 amatuers go out and film a hunt and send it to the drury's.....To even be considered you have to have used a PSE...
The cameraman will also be the hunter on occasion. The deal is sponsored by realtree who are Hoyt guys. The same reason Blake Shelton shoots a Matthews when he hunts with Lee & Tiff and a Hoyt when he hunts with Micheal Waddell. It's all about the sponsors!
Dean called me the other night and I told him I would help him. We hunt very close to each others MO properties. He was bummed that I couldn't be there the 1st week in Nov, but I am hunting IA that week, unless I put a monster down before that of course. My schedule will work out for some of his time though. He lives 600 miles away in MI and that is hard on his MO hunting time.