Couple of WMA's public land near me. I have not walked them, they are both around 300 acres. Will be interesting to get to know the land and see if they are used for bow hunting. Plan on talking to the manager after the holidays. Could be good spots during the week.
I find that the smaller ones are better. Seems most people think that bigger the land, better the deer/hunting. As long as you can find everything that a deer needs, it can be great! One of my best is less them 300 acres and gets hunted by alot. Just it has some amazing bedding on it. Then it's surrounded by private ag fields on 3 sides of it. Great time to see what really is going on is to get out there this winter after a light snow. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Interesting thread, sota. I have one near me that is about 500acres. Deer hunting is archery only and the season is much shorter than the regular season. I plan on scouting a few WMAs with my grandson for deer next fall and spring turkey.
Yep one has water on 3 sides with an ag field on the east side. The other one is a bit odd shaped where it meets up with private land. The private land has QDMA signs all over it I imagine they are jerky about the piece of the WMA that juts into their land.
Good luck hope it ends up being worth it. We hunt an overlooked piece of public that we pretty much have to ourselves until gun season. Its about 350 acres and has 2 ag fields that take up about a third of that acreage. We killed a few good bucks over the years on it
I found a small 300 acre or so block on the state forest this year. It is detached from the main section. Hunted it about a half dozen times...not a single other person there. Rare for around here.
I am in the same boat. Older thread, but I too am going to hopefully hang some stands tomorrow in a small WMA. Probably closer to 100 acres. Did you learn anything or does anyone else have any suggestions? Read a lot about lgoing in where others won't.
I love small WMA,s especially ones that are mostly used for fishing access but still open to bow hunting. I find that almost no one hunts them and the deer are very used to people, they almost ignore our presence. Most of them are 100 acres or less here in NJ.
We have tried the smaller parcels and they always seem very crowded..have much more success in the 50,000 acres and up ones here! But we have an abundance of public land for sure! Sent from my iPhone using Forums