Well my friend and neighbor that heads out current 800 acre lease ask me the other day if i was interested in going in with 6 other guys from our current lease on another 325 acres in the next county. Before giving an answer i needed to look at it, print some large color arial photos, and find out the boundry lines. My new Jeep got its first innitiation today :D IN THE MUD!! :D Well i was very impressed with it (the land) It is very diversafied, it has a mix of woods, reclaim area, lots of water with water foul and already made blinds (my son is a water foul hunter, big time) swamps, some areas that are sometimes dry or holding water. a river runs through it to. A RR track runs through the middle for sneak attacks into the heart of it. From the photos it has several bottlenecks. Its about 20 minutes from home to, and connects with a wildlife refuge. On the bad side, access is less than desirable and lots of walking will be necessary, something im used to anyway. There are not much for crop fields around either. Iff everything pans out, ill most likely jump in. we will see!!