If your watching Monday Night Football! My dad and I are going to be headed to the game here in just a few hours to do some tailgating and what not. I'll be 15 rows up by the end-zone on the Cowboys sideline. I'll be wearing a Witten jersey and my BH.C hat! Go Cowboys! Pic for reference
i'll look for you teammate , but i can't and will not root for the COWGIRLS sorry, Go STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halftime is over and right now if you will just stand up and smile we could all see you:D. You would be the only one standing or smiling for that matter...hey my falcons lost so no holds barred. Hope your having a good time.
Hope ya had a good time Jim, I caught the second half after getting in from hunting. Looks like I caught the better half for us Cowboys fans. Dallas still has a long ways to go.. What kind of play calling was Jason Garrett thinking 2nd and goal from the 1 and he throws two fade routes in a row? LOL and Dallas is the leading rushing team in the NFL right now.
Dang man you must have got there early. look at that empty lot. Hey Jim when they implode Texas Stadium next year you should come by. I'll have the keys to our bell tower and its a great view from there. Its right across loop12
It was a looooooooooong first half, but I had a few adult beverages to keep me entertained:D We had fun, if anyone ever gets a chance to go to the new stadium I suggest they go. It's like a 5 star hotel/restrant.........seriously. This wasn't the first time I've been to the stadium but Dad had a couple buddies who have seats in the "luxury" area so we got in up there before the game..............all I can say is Wow I have no idea what he was thinking. Everyone booed (sp?) Garrett when he called a draw to Choice up the middle on a 3rd and 28
That pic was taken at the pre-season game four weeks ago, thats the $60 cash parking area. It's better to park at the back (by the ballpark) and walk. It's a long hike but after the game it only takes five minutes to get to I-30. It took my Dad's buddy 2 hours last week from the parking lot I'm standing in. He said traffic was a PITA We left work in Rockwall at 4 and didn't get through downtown Dallas till 5:45, after that it was smooth sailing till Arlington. It took us almost two hours to go 25 miles So are they going blow it up? With dynamite and stuff?
No, but thats about the only thing its missing. There are some VERY nice hotels just a stones throw away from it (they're reasonably priced from what I'm told)