We can usually learn something from every blood trail. but yours was a real eye opener. The arrow or the mind doesn't always tell the whole story. These forums are exactly what your post are for. Hopefully you just helped someone else find their deer on a future blood trail.
GREAT JOB and CONGRATS!!! Awesome story and when I first looked at your arrow pics it made me ? the potential hit mentioned...nontheless very cool ending
I won't argue with the hard headed comment... But trailing a hit deer isn't hard headed. It's just being responsible.
Great thread Christine and congrats on the EAB! I have a couple of questions (just to help in any future tracking jobs I might take part in). 1. How far did the doe travel after being shot? Your case is excellent because it's an actual "one lung hit" not somebody thinking they hit one lung. 2. Did she make a "J" shape or anything that is characteristic of a deer that doesn't die within sight?
Without reading any replies...You have to follow that one up. While the arrow isn't soaked, you have enough blood to warrant following to at least where she stopped, if not farther in your search for more clues to a better hit.
Congrats Christine. Good post to remind people that even though the "think" they know where they hit a deer.
I'm late to the party Christine but CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go girl, You rock but we all know that! I may have missed, I don't believe I did but Did you say how long you waited from shot to actual serious tracking AND, Like dubbya, how far did she go?
Great thread, good job sticking with it Christine! Those straight down shots are a *****! I'll wait till they get further away from my tree or not shoot at all! Once again, great learning thread and CONGRATS on your recovery! Thanks!
excellent, excellent post Christine. Just goes to show thats good to follow up on any shot, you never know!! and congrats on the Doe, I believe your qualified for your buck now
As I started reading this I was hoping it would have a good ending. They sure can fool us sometimes. Congrats Christine!
Awesome Thread!!! Coupla things that are great about this 1. Obviously your tenacity and Determination. This is exactly what makes a good hunter, not the kills, but the Morals 2. The Arrow Cut the entire width of the lung, that is a big wound! Not quite like a regular "Single lung shot" That is impressive 3. Imagine what would have happened if the arrow had not passed through!! Excellent choice in heads/arrows and setup to get the Max kinetic energy possible. your typical light draw archer (Without your experience level) would have been shooting alighter setup, well done. Congrats again!
AWESOME, AWESOME post Christine!! Just curious: You lament the fact you used your 20-yard pin at 11 yards... I know you've got your poundage cranked way down because of your shoulder, but do you have a 10-yard pin or something? At 11 yards I'm holding my 20 dead on...
Wow I'm suprised, I was going to reply that she(the doe) just recieved a new peircing. I'd never thought by the look of that arrow and no initial blood that she would have been recovered. Good post, now you got a buck to go after, good luck.