I've noticed a huge difference in the rate of antler "growth" this summer compared to last summer at this time, (early JULY 2010 vs early July 2011) I sorted through thousands of trail cams this past week and then compared and contrasted what I believe same aged bucks and a few of the same bucks that made it from last year in a few recent trail cam checks.. I am seeing considerable lack of progression in growth from this years bucks compared to last years... Hoping the big boys catch up over the next month. Also I am noticing the bucks showing up much later in June to the "areas" I am caming and this is spread out over several counties that I am running cams in. Our summer green up and temps are a full month behind and I believe this has a direct effect on the buck's growth. It will be interesting how it all plays out...now that we finally have summer vegetation and weather... I have a feeling this may not be a steller year for antler growth, but time will tell. I have 12 cameras cooking right now that I am going to check again come mid August. On a good note over 80% of every pic I have looked at this past week has been in the daylight hours! I am liking that... Anyone else seeing any trends.. ???? based on the type of winter you had. prior to 2010..we had an "el nino" winter and of course last years trail cams and our kills indicated a great year for antler growth.
Troy I was down at the Archery Lanes the other night and all the guys here are saying due to all the rain we've been getting that their all saying the antler growth is superb. I've only seen one of my target bucks named High Tower and he looked awesome at 16 yards on the 1st of July as I was moving a stand. His P'2s & P'3s were 10 inches already and the bases were 8 at least. He's really bulked up. Then again they always look so much bigger in full velvet Huh! I'll be able to get a better read come early August. We've had drought like conditions for the last 6 years. That slew you hunted here and took your buck in,has water in it for the 1st time since 18 years ago. This could be very interesting year for me as the bucks and Moose used to water here. I'll touch base with you next month. Rocky
I was actually going to make the same exact post today. It's actually crazy how far the bucks in my area are behind, after comparing pics it seems to be a dull month behind! Also, I've noticed a lot of late fawns as well. We had a really rough winter.
Same here except the fawns seem to be on track. Britty and I took a drive tonight. I would say on the average our bucks are 2 - 3 weeks behind last year. We also had a very late spring coming off a tough winter. Got a feeling it isn't going to be a good antler growing season this year either. Hoping I am wrong. I am dieing to start long range scouting but not much point yet. Probably give it another 2 weeks before we get serious. Tim
Nice, Rocky, sounds real good, thats what we had last year, no snow even close to normal years, lots of rain , early spring and wet summer... the nutrition was sky high.. bucks in my areas looked awesome.. I am hoping you get some pics of High Tower, would love to see that bruiser.. Good luck this season Rock!
I am seeing excelerated growth in my neck of the woods along with a increase in deer sightings so far this summer over the past couple of years. It's going to be a good year I believe. T
Nice Tony! I noticed a few guys from my neck of the woods saying the same things on FB..that I am seeing.. on my trail cams ..they are too.. Hoping these deer here pack it on quick over the next month.. and that a few more big boys are just moving into their summer/fall areas.. Good luck man, Hope you run down a magnum this fall!