i love my hunting traditonal! i dont like compounds to much any more but my queston is if you increase the poundage will that increase your range? i love this 84lb long bow at my local pro shop i shoot it every time i go there and can shoot it damn good, what do you think the max distance it can shoot and still be lethal? is there any way to get 80+ yards from aany traditional bow? and what would it take to achieve it? i'd never take a stupid far shot on an animal i have my own personal limit but i'd like to know the potential? thanks yall.
My shooting style revolves totally around hunting. My sight-picture is very close to dead-on out to slightly past 30 yards. There are methods such using a lighter arrow that will help slightly but I believe you'll see the biggest change by using a lower anchor. Of course, in turn, you will be begin to shoot much higher at closer yardages. There are many methods of aimming that will allow accuracy longer distances. All depends on what you want to do. Chris
If you can consistently hit a 3d deer target at 80yards 10 out of 10 times in the vitals, go for it. Generally increased poundage does not give you any distance advantage. Most trad shooters stay with 10gpp arrows. So no matter if they are shooting 45lb bow or a 65lb bow, the poi remains simular. It should anyway.
You can shoot 100 yards with any poundage recurve, What the poundage effects if the velocity of the arrow, which translate into how much you have to compensate for arrow drop. Now I could be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that it's a 6ft drop for 100 yards for a bow. I can "hit" the 3d bear target I have at the house from 100 yards, but I can't hit it accurately. I would never take an animal past 30-35 with a recurve. The thing that I do, is I don't shoot instinctively, I aim. So when I'm aiming, I aim oh an inch higher at 50 yards? You just have to play around with it, and get to the point where you know how high you have to shoot to get the arrow are the right trajectory. Arrow weight does affect it as well, but I'm not a super scientific person, so I didn't calculate everything in, where I would, if I was an olympic shooter or something like that.
thank yall, im consistant out to 40 yards i took a doe a few days ago double lung at 43, the long distance is just a goal to practice for to know if i ever had to i have confidence to know my arrow will hit its mark.