Here is a pic the guy sent me of that Lone Wolf Stand. What model is this? If I choose to purchase the new seat it asks for the model stand. And also can you use the foor rests on these older stands?
Looks to be an Assault. But hopefully someone else can confirm it. Just appears to be the smaller of the platforms Lone Wolf produces. As far as the foot rest are concerned, if the drill guide (plastic piece which help you drill a hole in the platform to attach the rest) doesn't match up to the older platform (which I think it will), you can measure the location of the holes yourself instead of using the guide without much problem.
Definetly is the Assult. Looks to be in great shape also. Is he only giving you the 3 sticks? They are usually sold in sets of 4 unless he purchased them individually. Now sure how high you hunt but you will probably want the 4th stick.
I agree its the assault but I thought for some reason you said the stand was an Alpha... that stand looks like its in perfect shape from the pics!
Stand is in great shape. I will be ordering a replacement strap from Justin, The sticks are like new. I wonder if a guy could add a second versa button and make it a bit more secure. I have another question. On the new assualts do the sticks pack up on it like the alpha? In all the demos they are always using a alpha. I found a new assault still in box its the newer version with 2 vera buttons for 149. Only one left. Thinking of picking that up if it does work with the sticks.
I am good friends with Andre the person who invented these stands. I worked with him doing some of his R&D machining and sales at the Midwest deer shows till the company was sold. I still help him but now we build bows instead of treestands... Thats not the "assault" thats the original L/W stand just prior to the release of the "alpha"... The assault was modeled after this stand because some of our customers asked to have the old stand back because they preferred the smaller platform... The one you have pictured is from back when they were cast the old fashion way... Its a heavier stand than the new assault, it lacks the bow holder for modern bows, it don't have the "bat wing" for adjusting for slanted trees, It don't have a modern ergo seat, it don't have the screw adjustment on the seat, and depending on the exact stage and timing of when it was built, it likely don't have platform adjustability... The actual assault is a much better stand.
Perfect! Thanks for the info. Yeah I know all the things you said except for being heavier. This thing is incredibly light. I am going to keep it for real long pack ins when they come up. Went out today and bought the last Alpha they had before the price going up. They said it would be up 10 bucks this year. Who knows I can't wait to play with this thing tonight when I get home from work.
Trib make sure you do practice I had made the mistake last fall on not doing this. Once you practice a few times man you will love it for sure. Brings a whole new game to the table in chasing these whitetails.
Trib make sure you do practice I had made the mistake last fall on not doing this. Once you practice a few times man you will love it for sure. Brings a whole new game to the table in chasing these whitetails.
Thanks Peak, I will take that advice. One question for all of you. I like the idea of the Ez hang hook over the offset bracket. What are all of your experiences with each? Also as far as the bow holder for a Bowtech Tribute is this thing work good? I dont want to purchase the insert if it seems better just hanging my bow up with a arm. I would think it would be nice to have the foot room unless you want to free up the weight from one of the bow arms.
I don't like the E-Z hook... Once you get used to the "bat-wing" you won't want anything to do with the hook. Not sure if that bow fits the holder, but I doubt it... You don't need the rubber grommet regardless. Camo cloth tape does the same thing and bows fit better without sticking in the rubber. I prefer the in stand bow holder, but its design is old and don't fit most modern stands.
I don't like the E-Z hook either! Used it once and that was it, seemed more like a pain than anything else! Your going to love that set up. You will find yourself setting up in any tree you want, no problems, my climber got sold off a few years back! I also juts put the straps in my pocket instead of wrapping them around the each stick, except for one. With my sticks in place on my stand I take that one strap and put it in the versa button on my sticks, then wrap it thru and around my stand and back to the versa button and pull tight! This keeps my sticks tight to my stand and quiet as a church mouse while packing it in!
I would of thought the EZHook would be faster and easier to hang but it's not? Wouldn't you not have to hold the stand up to the tree while putting the strap around? Interesting. Any one else, opinions on this? Thanks guys for the feedback.