Sell me on them... Everyone says that these are way above the competition, but I personally know no one that uses them in my area...the price tag is a tad steep. However, as I start to plan for next year already, I want to try to tackle some public land bucks. This means hanging and taking down multiple times in my area to prevent theft. This year I started "running and gunning" a bit, and found it to be pretty productive. I am abe to get my setup in the tree in about 15 minutes. However this Ameristep combo is a bit to noisy for me to get to the area that I want to. The stand itself isn't to bad, but the rapid rails make a terrible noise when it comes into contact with pretty much anything. Weight isn't the problem (20 lbs. for this), but the noise. So, if I make the switch to a Lone Wolf Assault and 4 climbing sticks, can I expect a noticeable decrease in noise?
They're made from metal, and if you bang things into them they're going to make noise. Period. With that said, they are still the best solution and the best products when the comes to a stand/sticks combo that is lightweight, easy to use, secure, and quiet. How many more threads do you need to read before you just buy a set, Sally? :D
The assault is the way to go for public land in my opinion. 4lbs is supposedly the difference between the assault and alpha but for some reason it seems like a ton when its on your back. The lone wolf products are quiet when setting up. if you bang them together they make noise, like any metal would but with a bit of practice they are quick, quiet, and lightweight. I think the versa button and strap system is one of the important features that make them so quiet when setting up. As far as quiet when your on the stand, yes they are but I don't care too much about that until late season when it is real cold. The one piece platform does make a difference in late season. Lone Wolf stuff is proven, well thought out, quick and lite to set. I can't say enough good, save your nickels and you won't be disappointed.
If the LW's are too expensive for you, I suggest looking into Gorilla's line. I use either the Silverback Scout or the Silverback Magnum (can't remember which one!). But anyway its one of their lighter models cause its made of aluminum but that in turn makes it lighter. Gorilla also makes their own sticks, Predator Sticks, and I use 6 of them and they've been great thus far as well.
everything that you posted as far as your concern is what Lone Wolf stands by as being the best stand out there. i look at it as an investment rather than a thing i have to buy. i'll be willing to bet you wont regret it
After having one for two years now, I'm planning on selling my other 3 stands in hopes of paying for half of a LW. They are that good....
Another thought if you are unsure about dropping the cash might be to wrap your Rapid Rails in a silencing material and giving them a shot that way. If it works well you have a system you're already comfortable using and you saved a pile of money. If it doesn't work as well as you'd like you're only out a coupld of bucks.
I would recommend... ...looking into the L.W. Sticks and a Tree Saddle. I have never been so mobile. I can carry very little weight and move to nearly any tree. I honestly have thought of having a few trees that I hunt regularly have screw in steps and then trim others for the sticks. For what I paid for my many stands and ladders and steps etc... I could have paid for 10 L.W. sticks and two Tree Saddles and had cash left over.
I think if I had more property (which I am working on) I would look harder at this option. I don't have a problem with my climber for the amount of times I need to be mobile per year.