There went another old faithful spot. I have to pull my stand so loggers can make a path to an adjacent property. I liked that spot it was easily accesible but no big deer really though. GEEZ!!!
When are they logging it? A stand along a fresh logging trail can work very well. The deer will often start using that trail as well.
Amen to what Dr Andy says! One of the properties I hunt was recently logged and 15 minutes after the loggers put the trail in, deer travelling along the logging road. Don't give up on that spot!
if you have some trail cams, put them out. deer definitely like to use those trails, even when they're grown over.
You would be amazed as how quick deer come into those areas...alot of new cover, easy to get to and somewhat new food sources soon to come. Stay put
They might change their patterns a little bit but they sure wont leave the property. And just wait until all the thick underbursh starts to grow in, your looking great int he next few years.
I agree, Doc. I just hung 2 stands right off of a freshly dozed "logging road", through the woods of my favorite farm. There were tracks and sign, every where. All of the equipment was gone, so I'm assuming they are done :D