Alright guys, I’m sure this has been asked millions of times. I shot a beautiful buck the other afternoon. 20 yards, broadside, and the arrow slipped in a little to far than I’d like. Don’t know what happened but it did. Arrow never went all the through, maybe 6-8” left sticking out. It was in the dead center of the deers body. Started getting blood at 15 yards. Was stop sign red and some was a shade darker with some gritty material in it. Trail started to get a lot heavier but I backed out. Neighbor ended up having this deer trot by him and stop 35 yards in front of him into a pine thicket. We came back the next day (16 hours) later to find a 2’ radius of blood in those pines and that’s it. I’m wondering if he didn’t get spooked when they climbed down from there hunt. Called a local dog tracker and his dog was injured from a previous run. Called another and never got a response. We started grid searching this area. Thick marsh, thick brush and some hard woods. Haven’t been able to find anything. We never found the arrow or any more blood. What do you guys think? Pass on this dilemma or keep searching on foot??
Start looking for buzzards in the air and grid search. Easily accessible water points. Last blood and grid it off like a pie, check each "pie slice" until covered it all, use some sort of app that will allow you to track your walking so you know where you covered. Sometimes you just ain't going to find them.
Look for birds. This includes hawks, Eagles and vultures. A gut shot deer is a dead deer. It may die that night or several days later. Don't give up, you will find him if you put in the time. Also check the location from were he was coming from when you shot him. Alot of times they will head back to there bedding area/ or place they feel safe. Water is another great place to check. If they get sick quick, they will head to water and usually die in it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Few things, First welcome to the forum. Secondly birds and water are both good advise . But state laws pending I would get a dog after it asap Lastly and in my opinion the y important. You hit center body and back yet didn't get a pass through. Lack of penetration could be characteristic of a untuned bow. Good luck and keep us updated. In Venatione Veritas
Guys, he has been found. Bittersweet but I’m glad he was found. He really didn’t run to far, just enough that he was hid good until the fall foliage died away. What are the chances a taxidermist could still mount this if I have a cape from a large doe?
At least you got some closure on what happen and a set of antlers. Most likely a doe won't work for a buck mount. Lacking the pedical holes, may not look right. But most taxidermist have spare capes for sale or can find one. But that question is best left for the taxidermist to answer.
My brother in law works for taxidermy and they definitely could mount that. As stated above, a doe cape wont work, and yes most taxidermies offer spare capes from those not wanting mount theirs. Bet they would even charge a little less if you prepped the skull/antlers yourself and got it all cleaned up before taking it in.