Thouroughly frustrated. Please let today be the day I drop the hammer, or at the very least see, a mature whitetail. Amen.
Wow, I did an impromptu stand change about 35 minutes ago. Busted 5 deer of unknown varieties in front of the stand I wanted. Climbed up in another the whole while being blown at. They finally white tailed it out and about 3 minutes later the woods exploded with grunts and limbs cracking. There were 3 bucks running circles all around where they were. It was unreal. All 3 were atleast 2 1/2 and couldn't get a good look at the biggest. I don't know, think the deer blowing caused them to come in? Very cool to watch just wish I could make it repeat, I'm now in that stand.
Just got drawn back on a think 2 1/2 yr old. Had him in the picture and recording, couldn't make up my mind if he was what I've been holding out on. He made it for me, started walkin straight away the headed to the creek. 30mph gusts but they're moving with the temps dropping all day.
Saw a little spike. I'm pretty sure our property is the 1.5 yo hangout during the rut. Every year right when they start chasing we see no more big ones and spikes, baskets galore.
Just had a 130"+ 5x5 come by. He was walking fast at about 30 yards. Circled and must have smelt me and snorted at me about 10 times as he moved off. I tried but couldn't get him back. This is my first time getting winded. It sucks. Also my stupid digital camera has dead batteries same with my helmet cam so no proof. Haha
This win is getting to be a bit much now. Swirling all over the place, was a fun morning though. Glad I made it out
Never found my coyote yesterday. Found my arrow and it was cracked and laying next to a huge pool of blood! I think his reletives had him for dinner. Sat in ground blind this morning with my 12 gauge. No deer. One coyote. They are bad around here! Set up another stand neer a fresh scrape line. Tonight if the rain lets up I'll be back at it. Gonna try to get one with my gun since gun season only lasts 2 weeks. Then back to hard core archery.
Taking the ol lady to my buddy stand tonight. Hopefully she turns this rut around and brings in a shooter
My mom just arrowed a massive deer...hope for an easy recovery. This guy came within 40 of me and is a true trophy main frame 10 I think with kickers and stickers everywhere
I just had a slob, for me anyway, come by at 45yds. Easily the biggest buck I've seen on stand. He was paralleling me so didn't want to grunt until I knew where he was headed. Had a spike in front of him and a fawn doe behind. He turned away and I grunted, nothing, grunted and had the call making all kids of weirdness but he would not acknowledge all I got was video of him. Darn the luck.
Yeah, this is just this morning. Seen a button buck or doe about 10:25, nothing since. Definitely been an active morning though. Just wish I could have that buck from earlier back. Should have tried a snort wheeze, I was shaking so bad and kind of out of it though. Sadly this is my last bowhunt until after shotgun next weekend. I'll be out shotgun, but different county on public land
I know that feeling. When I had my big 5x5 come by yesterday I wasn't sure if I wanted to shoot him as I have lots of meat already so I just tried to take pics and never even tried to stop him when he walked by broadside at 30. The more I think about it I wish I did try to stop him and had actually drawn on him. He is close to the biggest I've seen on stand. Oh well maybe next time. Are you heading back to the tree tonight?
I'm still in the tree now, getting ready to have my snickers and Gatorade lunch. Evening movement is usually slow here, but I've got to try after this morning