Going. To try the scrapes again it rained all night and most of the morning. Since I have no food source to hunt I'll try this
blind just sat down in the ground blind. first night i have taken my 4 yo boy hunting with me. gonna be a good night no matter what!
Good luck, hopefully something moves through for you. Don't know how you could have a bad sit with your boy out there.
Getting ready for tomorrow morning. Going back to the park to try for doe #2 or more. Probably just an AM hunt, I have to pick up the motorcycle from getting new tires. Trying out this new Tapatalk app, seems ok so far.
I couldn't get my phone out to get a picture of it, but a jet black squirrel just came bouncing by. I haven't seen the first deer yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_sr92GT1mo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Do any of you guys use extended battery packs? I just ordered one for when I start all day sits. It had good reviews and should get 3-4 full charges on the iPhone 4. 1 charge only lasts about 5 hours on stand so it should work for me. http://www.amazon.com/Satechi-Batte...12QO/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1288020040&sr=8-3
Went out this morning. Way to windy! 45mph gusts! Looks like its going to be windy tomorrow too. I'm going out anyway, Going thru withdrawls! Got the shakes. Need to hunt.
I had planned on hunting today after a Dr appointment in the morning. I don't know though the weather is for heavy rain and possible lightning. Oh, it's almost 80dg also.
Well I'm sitting in my truck at the park. When I left home the rain had stopped and there was actually the smallest break in the clouds. Where I am is only 1/2hr from home the further north I went the sprinkles turned to rain. I'm hoping that the rain that is moving south to north will dissipate in a little while. I'm too old now to be hunting in bad weather. I did enough of that back in the day. Back to my book for awhile, I'll let ya know if I hit the woods or the road home.
Drew on a deer this morning right at legal shooting time. With the combination of fog I couldn't find my pins. There wasn't enough light to tell if it was a Buck or a doe and this was at 8 yards. Needless to say no shot and destroyed inside. Still early though. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Finally found a day with less (not much less) wind. Live from stand. 175 pictures of deer since the morning if the 26th. Wish me luck. Sent from my VANILLA TAZZ Eris using Tapatalk
Well I've been in the treestand since 6:00. I just had a spike 8 yards and a forkhorn at 40 yards. I'm in a clients backyard this morning. The is isn't too awful bad right now.
Its been a slow mourning. Hunting my favorite spot slight wind and a wonderful 29 degrees out. I'm am glad I got a ride to the stand today it feels like a good day
DOE DOWN!!!! She crossed paths with me around 9 and I wanted some back meat so I took her. She was 40 yrds and I hit her high in the spine droped her. Miss judged the distance and thought she was at 45. Long story short I got meat and now to buck hunting
Congrats on the doe jakeratt, I was ready to take one this morning but it didn't work out. Shortly thereafter I had at least 3 does and 4 bucks(one being a shooter for me) within 25 yds but no shot. Then about 45 minutes ago seen two does coming at me, seen two deer behind them and got ready. Ended up being 4 more does but no bucks with them this time. Been trying to film everything, realize on the 4 does that my zoom was zoomed in, hopefully the others have some of the deer on them. Cam mounted on bow and had 14 eyes around at one point so I was shooting from the hip