Nothing so far this morning. Except a small coyote. Damn they have good ears. Lol. Anyhow, no deer. I'll probably stick it out for another hour or two and then hop down to check the trail cam. Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
Edited to change video to HD, love the iphone 4 Today was a so-so day. Had a doe fawn come in solo at 7am and passed on her hoping for better movement. Then had a 3 point come in at 7:40, he was tending a scrape just inside the woodline but couldnt get a clear camera phone shot of him, he came out and fed at 10yds and messed with another licking branch for around 12 minutes shortly after 8 another 1/12 yr. old come out and messed with another scrape about 65yds away. He went back in the woods as quick as he came out. Other than that seen 1 other solo deer, guessing it was another young buck but can't confirm it. Young bucks are really starting to move around now, I will definitely be in stand Halloween morning then my vacation starts on November 5th or 9th, haven't decided yet. I love this time of year!!!
Hunting out of ground blind tonight....been seein deer travel this area and set one up, because there's no trees to climb....hope it works out ROB ( OHIO )
At the park management hunt that started Saturday there were 20 deer taken. Unfortunately I couldn't be there. BUT I will be there on Monday. I have 2 different stand locations picked out.
On my way out the door. I'll post when I get settled in. Good luck to all that's hunting this AM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have had deer around me all morning. Mostly does and fawns. Had a spike walk right under me at first light. I have seen one shooter buck but he was about 100 yards out. Didn't get a real good look at him, could just tell he was big. And now a yote just ran by while I'm typing this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another 50 points for one of those doe would be great Chris! If you can smack one of them that would move us solidly into second place!
I've been in the stand since 6:00AM. At 7:40 I had a good size 8 pt sneak behind me to my left. I never had a shot but I need 3 does before I can take a buck anyway. More to come later.
only a doe and fawn came in this morning but put out some corn in front of them cam and setting up another stand this evening and hoping to hunt it later this afternoon
Well as I was trying to login from my stand saturday afternoon around 5:00pm this guy came along and I had to put my phone away. He ran 60 yards and crashed. I'm using rage two blades. Thats the exit wound! Success! Cut him up the same night. I was up till 2:00 am working on him. 45 lbs. of meat!
Lunchtime...I came down at 9:45, I was too close to pedestrian traffic. I moved further in and just got done trimming shooting lanes. I'm set up on a scrapeline where the buck came from this morning. I put out reflective tacks and surveyer tape so I won't have trouble finding this spot like this morning. We'll see what happens this afternoon.
i got lost yesterday morning in the dark..ended up getting snorted at from 5 yards away, about **** my freak me out
Just settled in but the place next to ours sold and ppl have been riding four wheelers around surveying the land to ours but hopefully I still see some thing I brought my horns n grunt call today when should I start calling time wise Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk