Todd and I saw one small buck this morning. Nothing so far this afternoon. Sitting over some corn plots not too far from some clover and chicory as well. C'mere Deer! Sent from my HTC Incredible
Nothing so far but a few hundred birds in the tree overhead and a squirrell that's all pissed off at me for sitting at the base of an acorn tree
Sitting in my double bull on my wheat plot that's making a pretty good stand this is where I shot my 138 inch Buck two years ago and I poured corn all around to so wish me luck got hard woods behind me and the winds blowing directly to them so that's the bad news but good news tracks everywhere around me and a big ole scrape 20 yards to my right hope the wind slows quick n I get some deer out here check n here n a bit good luck to all........................ How do u get pics like that from ur Droid?
I use TapaTalk Forum App and Photobucket. If you have photobucket, just upload the pictures, grab the image code and post it here on in the reply box. If you have TapaTalk, you don't even need photobucket. Just click attach pictures.
You need the pro version to reply to threads. The free version you can only view. It's well worth the 2 or 3 bucks. Takes the hassle out of loading the whole page! Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
What an interesting night. Like I posted earlier I was on the ground tonight. I heard something in the brush behind me but was unable to see anything. Then all of a sudden I heard a deer blow and off he/she went. Scared the crap out of me and I jumped up and never got to see if it was a buck or doe but heard it blow 4 more times. It actually came to within 15 yards of me. Then on my walk back to my truck after legal shooting hours I froze in place when I noticed a small doe in the field between me and my truck. I just remained still as she made her way towards me. Then another small one appeared and wandered right over to the first one. I remained still and they both made it over to within 25 yards of me and I was standing in plain view. A black cat actually came into the field about 80 yards away and they were way more concerned with the cat then they were me!
Rain today, I don't think I'll be hitting the woods again till Monday. A special park hunt starts Saturday and runs thru Feb. I did some scouting yesterday and found a good scrape line on one parcel and a nice funnel on another. Stay tuned sports fans I should be posting some unlimited harvest doe and EAB (must have 3 does) pictures soon...I hope.
Just got settled about 10 minutes ago, 30 minutes yet until legal shooting time. Sitting over acorns and didnt bump anything on the way in, hopefully be a good morning.
Thought i was going to get a turkey but didn't pan out. Had about 16 roosted all around me, but they just kept tree hopping until they got to the woodline and flew to a field. Its legal to shoot off the roost and had shots, but didnt want to risk a $30 arrow amd dont like the safety aspect either. Then about 7:30 i had 3 does and undetermined fawn skirt by at 30yds but no shot opportunity. Then had a little forkie come in to about 9yds and feed. He's still about 45yds away messing with a scrape. Still hoping to pull something off.
Unfreaking believable. 5 til 10 and I'm about to climb down. Look around and somehow to does snuck in and were feeding on acorns. Got stood up and situated, only one lane in this direction. Watched them feed for 10 minutes, but now they have bedded down 35yds away and I'm tree'd. I can see one if I maneuver a bit, but other one is behind some shrubs and can't see her. This is a first, not sure what to do.
Do you have a fawn bleat call? Maybe give it a couple quiet calls to get then up and moving your way. Good luck
I bet if you yell really loud they will atleast stand up! Hahaha jk. Good luck and I hope you have time to sit it out and get one of em. P.s. If it was thr rut I'd love to be in your situation
I waited them out, they got up and walked off right around 11. Seen about 10 turkey on the way out, unfortunately they seen me first. Got drawn back on one but it wasnt stopping. I wish is was the thick of the rut, I'd have been in heaven. The one bedded directly downwind of me, I was only in a 15ft ladder stand and 6-7mph winds. If nothing else it gives me a confidence booster that my scent control is working. Back at it tomorrow morning.
Here is a couple pics I snapped on my Droid yesterday of my spot. This is on the corner of my 19 acres, along side a small stream. This spot is less than a mile from an apple orchard, so it is a high traffic area. This is my first attempt at making a bow hunting site. I have a couple of lanes I can get 25 yards, but the most of it is 15-20. I cleared out the small brushy stuff, and not seen to my left is an old logging road where there is another crossing. I seen a Doe after I finished practicing yesterday. I sit still and let her move on, before I left. I'm there so much, my smell is normal to them, and unless Im moving, they never pay me any attention.
Two forkies and a 120" 8 point so far. Still waitin on a big boy to move thru. 3 deer 3 bucks so far! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk