Christine do we have to duct tape that quiver to you so you stop dropping it? Peak, I am gonna be up at the cottage quite a bit now. If you ever want me to get out and film for you let me know! I would love to do that. Just give me a day or two notice so I can make sure to have my stand, camo and camera!
Just settled in. beautiful spot. winds are perfect today. hope to be an exciting four hours of the banks of the kankakee river.
Man come up 25 yards from feeder it goes off at 7 so I popped up my dark horse dbl bull blind now I have 3 mommas n 3 yearlings n front of me that was within 10 minutes its so hot tho I don't think I'll have any luck today
last night i had one of the most exciting sits on stand i have had in a while.... i saw 3 different bucks, and about 9 doe last night....but they feed under my stand all was definitly a night that got me very excited and wanting more thats for sure... the reason i didnt take a shot was there were so many other deer, need to educated all these i decided to pass for the night and be an observer.... still a very interesting and fun night.
Couldn't get a signal to post about my evening stand... but I DIDN'T drop my quiver. Yay, for small miracles. I hunted out of the same tree that I shot my buck from last year. It's quite a different spot in early Oct. that mid December. For one, the tree doesn't just have poison ivy vines on it, there's poison ivy leaves and twigs. :D And I forgot that this tree is a hackberry. Not the most climber friendly tree and combined with the poison ivy vines grabbing at the cables... it became a PITA. Pic of the top part of my hand climber and the vegetation I had to deal with. (this is the only straight tree around) ....and I all I saw were raccoons and squirrels.
I decided to actually get inside a "bedroom" tonight. After I got to my lock on I notice two hasting slug casings under my stand. I do not like people using my stands..... Anyhow, here is the view for the evening. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Well kinda warm, and a tad windy...I'm hoping for another night like yesterday evening...trying a new set out... Combine is rolling in the corn about 300 yards away...we will see if he pushes anything my way's my set up ROB ( OHIO )
Ahhh, nice to have a signal again. Finally got my first morning sit of the year in. Had a fairly active morning. Had 2 does and a doe fawn come in just before 8, would have happily taken either of the 2 does but they would not cooperate. When one would put her head down to feed the other would raise hers, kept alternating like this for 5 minutes as if rehearsed. They eventually exited without me being able to draw back. About 10 minutes later I had a small spike come in, followed by this slightly bigger spike 5 minutes later. Not sure about those broken rattling antlers, been hanging there for 3 years now(community stand). These two were feeding when another doe and fawn came out about 60yds away. Couldn't get a clear pic of them, and eventually they fed off the other way and the 2 spikes fed into the wood line where the earlier does had gone. It slowed down a bit and shortly before 9 a button and doe fawn snuck in from behind me, messes around videoing them before they took off. Weren't spooked, they fed for awhile about 30 yds behind me. Then about 10 as the sun topped the treeline and started hindering my vision I decided to climb down and still hunt back to the truck, on the 2nd step I looked over and seen another button feeding, watched him feed into the woods and made my walk back to the truck. All in all not a bad sit, seen 10 with 3 out of range. Passed on 5 and couldn't get drawn on the two I would liked to have arrowed. Will be flirting with near record highs the rest of the weekend, not sure I'll be making it back out until the heat breaks.
I'm up for the this same stand I was in last night another shot....leaves are dry and was hard not to be loud walking in, I think I might of spoked up a few deer...let's hope not....good luck to all on this nice Friday afternoon ROB ( OHIO )
My first hunt this year where I had service. 3 deer moved through about an hour ago, hope that's a good sign.
Had a small bear walk under my stand at first light, a few deer shortly after but it was too dark to really see them, and 4 turkeys pass behind me. Active morning but the wind needs to stop.
Good luck to all you guys up in the stands this weekend! Wish I was able to join you but it will have to wait till tuesday and wednesday for me!
Well nothing else came through after daybreak. Here's a pic of my arrows though! And here is my new camera and mount. Been out twice with it but no good footage yet.
Phillip, now how in the world do you expect me not to notice the colors of your wrist strap...Iknow it goes with the octane, just busting you up a little... Those arrows hurt my eyes
Thanks! It is a Kodak PlaySport. I'm pretty happy with the camera so far. It will record in HD, takes up to a 32GB SD card and is about the size of a cell phone. Michael, Yes it goes with the Octane stuff. I catch a lot of grief around here for it, that's why I had to e sure to get the Vols on my arrows! You know you like those arrows!
A little warm, but this spot has been producing some good action....3 nights ago we saw 3 bucks, and about 6 does...but right at day's what I'm looking at tonight, with a pick of the drive in.... This place is so far away from human scent its ridiculous, I love it ROB ( OHIO )