Hey you guy and gal with smartphones, do you want to get a Live from the Stand thread going here like over on AT? Post pics, vids and blurbs from being on your stand. I'll be out tomorrow PM and will be posting stuff LIVE as it happens using my iPhone, Photobucket and YouTube. If y'all want to give it a try hop on. Maybe we can get a Sticky here too.
That picture was taken at the Baltimore Bowmen Traditional Classic by my friend that was with me. We flung some arrows that day, boy it was fun!
I'd like to but.... out here where I'm at we ain't got to smart phone. Were still using two tin cans and a string. LMAO.
Well Tony, first a guy and a girl get married........:D I'm in. Posting while I'm hunting is always fun for me.
Tony, first it helps to have a smartphone. iPhone, Droid or Blackberry are some. While you're on your way to, on or leaving your stand you take pictures or video of your hunting area or what you're seeing. Then you post it to this thread in your phones browser. Hence "Live from the stand". If you waited until you got home to sync your phone then post it, it wouldn't be LIVE. I hope that helps, good luck. I'll be going out this afternoon after my dentist appointment. Look for my postings.
I think it's a sort of neat idea, I'm just too cheap to pay for the all on data package I have mobile web, but that's it.
OK...how does this work with a crappy Blackberry curve? Can you load pics/video directly from phone, or still have to use photobucket or something? The photo upload button does not allow for me to select it from BB...??? Thanks,
This is good idea. I'm in and will be starting on Saturday. Does this mean Germ will have an excuse to post more of those crazy pictures of himself while on stand?
I use photobucket. Basically what happens is if you go to your photobucket site you can get a special e-mail address that you can e-mail the pictures to. Then it automatically posts it in your photobuckt album. Then just grab the code for that picture and copy and paste here in the thread. That is how I do it at least. I actually have one of my contacts as my photobucket account so I can quickly take a picture and e-mail it to photobucket.