Hunting PB just had 7 does under my stand had a brave button buck run them down grunting up a storm ...the button saved one of the does lives I was gonna shoot one then heard him and waited....on a side note its opening day of goose sounds like ww3 out here
Thats awesome - the deer part - not the goose shooting lol. I'll probably be back up there as soon as firearms opens up next weekend. Saw plenty of deer off of Slacks Road on Thursday evening. Hopefully I can get in there one more time before next weekend. I'm actually looking forward to doing some goose hunting next week - we've got a nice private land in the western region of Carroll County. 5 per day
Yea ill be here all day ... I've only goose hunted once I got I property to do it on but don't have the decoys, calls, or know how...would love to get into it though!
Shotgunning here as well. After what seems like a month of south winds blowing 30-40 finally got a light NW wind. As long as the neighbor kids don't walk the property line at first light I think I'll be good. Can't blame them for where they walk as it's the best route, but timing leaves a lot to be desired. 20 minutes to go.
Good luck to those of you that are out there today, gun or bow. I'll be at work as usual. There's no Sunday hunting in VA. I'd like to say that's why I'm working but really it's cause I got to have the extra $.$$. Knock'em down boys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Uncles friend just now going to his stand. 4 wheeler all the way there. Hopefully it helps me more than hurts, be nice to reroute the deer this way. Starting to wonder how many hunters are afraid of the dark
Unbelievable. Contemplating getting down when a doe catches my eye about 70 yards away. She beds down, can see her and at least two there are milling around. No antlers in sight
Site went down or something. I was so focused on the bedding does that I didn't see 3 more come in from 45 yards straight in front of me. Didn't see any antlers following so I took the biggest doe. Tried to get a smaller one that stopped not long after but missed, so harvested my second deer if season. They really started moving about 9:30. Walking back to the house to get my truck there was another doe, easy shot but the house and horse pasture was directly behind. Didnt even think of shooting. Was nice to see deer again with a cooperating wind
I'm glad I picked the same tree to climb this morning. I left my binoculars in the crotch of the tree 25 ft. up. I had a deer under my stand this morning but it was so dark I couldn't tell what it was. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
55 degrees with about a 7mph NW wind this mornin in Tuscaloosa, just gettin daylight.. Had a lot of rain yesterday, so here's to hoping they will stir a lil today with the cold front movin in..
Good morning everyone and happy Thanksgiving! Been in my stand about an hour. All is quiet! Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Happy turkey day everybody. And good luck to all the hunters out in the woods today. Don't eat to much turkey today. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Well gents, sitting comfy in the stand! I have a buddy hunting about 200 yds away and he just texted me saying there's a few deer heading my way.... Got the camera with me, so nothing gets shot unless it's on film right now, unless of course it's a big buck, stay tuned.....
Just rattled in a white caucasian male bout 5'10 190 lbs he did a pretty good job sneaking in he made it with 50 yds til he busted me lol ...think he walked all the way down here from the neighbouring property ....oh well seen 5 does so far
first deer taken with bow Hello everybody So we.ont out yesterday and find a new spot on my property to bowhunt so I find a good trl and climbed and cleared some branches. Then put out some corn. Got up at 3 am got to my property at 415 got into my stand 430. As the sun was coming I heard a shotgun go off I'm like my uncle already got on then it was like a war zone on the river so. Then I seen a real big 7 pt cross my lane He was about 50 yards a little far for me so I watched as he went off into the woods and 7 mins later a big doe comes out at the same spot going right to left at 50 yards all I could do was watch the whole time I'm hearing shotgun's going off up and down the river I'm like they must be wearing the deer out deer. 20 mins later I hear a deer coming thru the woods I hit my doe bleat can and grunt call deer still moving my way still no site of it. Then I can barely see the deer he is walking right down the middle I hit My grunt again work the doe bleat he stops and turns my direction and I see it is a Buck he walking and steps out the wood line and starts to eat my corn. Waiting for a broad side shot find my pin on his shoulder release my arrow wack he falls slam over rage in the cage drop him on the spot he trys to get up its a no go. Lights out for him on stood dead in his tracks he was 3pt small Buck but I finally sealed the deal 2nd bow kill first deer with my bow shot at 2 does. Last year hit them never could find them the my 1 St bow kill was a red fox at 48 yards 3 years ago so bow hunting is hard but I love the rush you get when you do your part. Sorry for the long post .