Just had 6 deer, 4 does a fawn and a good buck, come from the drainage ditches. One doe n fawn are bedded about 80 yds away in a patch of timber. Buck is running the others around about 300 yds away
Currently on the NW side if Jacksonville. Looks like the rain/T'storms are back building SW. Don't mind a little rain but don't want a downpour.
Just had two does and a shooter 50yds upwind. Has his attention with grunts but no commitment. Lost him in the thick stuff, not sure if they're still around or not
That coyote I shot is having the last laugh afterall. He's ripe and the winds are reminding me of that everytime the die down a bit.
Got down at 11 this morning and decided to drive over to the next road where I can see the drainage ditches the deer were chasing thru this morning. Sure enough little basket rack bedded down downwind of the tall grass ditch. So I stop the truck to turn around thinking he had a die nearby and he was the one chasing. He gets up and starts to go into ditch when... DEEEENIED!! Big ol 10 pointer chased his behind away. So gets me thinking he's locked down with a doe so I honk and he and two does proceed to bound away back towards our property. Mission accomplished.
Winds are finally starting to die down, temps should start falling shortly. Hopefully that puts them on their feet 3:14 left
You and I are both done with vaca after today. Let's make a deal and both shoot our second bucks tonight. Both over 140"
Wishing it were that easy. My biggest downfall is being landlocked, unless they're cruising I'm dependent on the does. Evenings have never been the best here, but all it takes is that one die to bring him in. Then again, I'm not picky tonight, I'll take a doe as well. Tracking an unrecovered buck my uncle shot I got to see the neighboring property up close. I know where the deer go, but they don't always go through here in he evening. We'll see, west wind is decent. Would rather have a northerly anything though.
I haven't seen a thing since 10am. They just don't move here during the evening, usually about 2 hours before sunset is the last movement I see. Only reason I am still in the tree is due to the rut. Normally I'd be home by now. Absolutely perfect conditions though. Hear some turkeys not far off, might be in luck after all.
Wasn't me, so must have been you. Congrats, I'll be seeing what shotgun weekend has to offer up. Hopefully a north wind. Did ya get your 140+?
Thanks. He's a little busted up but outside his ears and prolly 5" bases. Short tines tho. I'd put him at 3.5 yo
I've been in the tree since 5:30. First shooting light was 6:30. All the leaves are down now and I feel naked with my ass hanging out for the world to see. I've killed 4 deer from this tree so far this year and had a okay buck sneak by me last time I was here so I'll stay for now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing yet. Overcast but the wind is now still, rain is imminent, temp is about 65° or more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well here we go hope the chill in the air moves them my way today Sent from my Garminfone using Tapatalk
Saw a 130ish buck at dawn, was cruising the downwind side of a beanfield, I can see a young 8pt bedded with a doe now. Not much activity, hope the evening is better
Ksjendodjbdozhodi!!!!!!! I'm so effin jacked!!! En route to the hunting property, should be in the stand at 0540. It's cold, 30 and lite winds. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!