Just shot my 6th deer of the year. A nice big doe made her last mistake. I had a nice buck behind and under me. He was following the doe but never presented a shot. I never did get a good look at his rack through the brush. Video shot with iPhone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqcz61CJRT8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Oh, and I got a squirrel too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Saw what looked to be a nice Buck. He was about 40 yards off in the thickets. He looked like he was working on a scrape. He started walking away so I grunted a few times but he never paid any attention. Gone! Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Waited out the rain this morning and got on stand about 8:15. Hoping for some late morning activity befor the rain picks back up
Just took a long wet walk back to my blind. Hoping with the rut finally being here that my hard work will be rewarded!
Cruising in west central IL for sure this morning! Seen 3 bucks, 2 scrubs and a respectable 2.5 yo 8 that needs to make it another year
I'm starting to regret not going out today after reading these. But then I see this, Wind Speed: W 25 G 39 MPH. Not too upset now
No work today or tomorrow!! Left at 3am en route to Knox Co...should put me in the stand at 5:45, hope they're running around like crackheads...stay tuned
Got busted while getting situated in stand. Was about 10 minutes ago so hopefully just under an hour is enough for things to still happen. Dropped my bottle of deer dander at the base of the tree climbing up. We'll see how it goes.
Seeing a 6 point last couple days so I move my stand to get closer. Hot and sweaty now. I'm done though. He comes around 8. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Slow morning yet again. Deer have been moving late on this end of the property this season. Previous 2 site didn't yield anything until 9:30, 8:30 now, see what happens in an hour