One of these nights I'll remember to put gloves in the truck. Have a death grip on some hand warmers. Slow start again, nothing yet. Didn't see first deer until 9:30 yesterday. Ended up with 15 sightings with a few possibly same deer at different times
No movement this morning but hoping this evening will bring some luck Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk
the great midwest saw a small doe about 9:30 about 10 minutes later a nice 6 pointer came in behind me. before I could get set he got downwind and cruised off. A couple more bucks spooked walking out at noon. try again tomorrow.
I honestly have no idea what's up with my property. This morning was perfect. I was on the edge of a major Doe bedding area and saw 7...not a single buck to be found. Back at it now...been in the stand for an hour...two fresh scrapes nearby.
What an awesome day to be alive!!!! A deer would just be the icing on the cake Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
How are you guys finding where the deer are bedding? I know they bed in thick cover but I have several spots around me that are like that and I can't find which one they are bedding in. I am also hunting on public land so I don't want to risk putting up a trailcam. Any suggestions? Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk
Just hitting legal shooting light here in Indy. Yesterday was a total bust. Hoping for a bit more action this morning.
Here's a recap of last two days. Had a decent 8 chasing doe yesterday morning. About 12:30 I decided to give a tending grunt in hopes something was bedded near. About 70 yds away something came charging my way. I get stood up and a doe busts out of the brush. Her hair was standing up and she was agitated. She smelled every inch of ground around me, bleating the whole time. She circled me twice and bedded 5 yds away looking my direction. For 4 hours I couldn't move. Thank god I was able to sit when she dozed off. She got up about 530 and started back where she came from and a buck immediately was on her, chasing and grunting till dark. This morning just had a spike cruise by
Yawn!!!! Sitting in Knox County right now, got here at 1 am with a buddy and hung a stand. New property, so the last time I was here I only had time to hang one. Everything went smooth, took about 15 minutes! He's sitting about 200 yards away from me right now! Checked one trail cam last night and had a ton of different bucks, all young though! Hopefully one of us puts something down, I'm jacked!!! My beautiful face... My location...
Looks like a good location. We found some fresh scrapes on the trail in this morning. Not much rubs yet. Gonna hang two more stands today on a fresh scrape line on the edge of the standing corn. I hope they get this corn outta here soon. Gun season starts next saturday. I hate dragging deer thru standing corn! Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Yeah that's not fun... Just seen 3 does inside the timber about 100 yds away... And just like magic, they disappeared, gonna make it an all day sit though, hopefully it kicks into gear!!