Another day, another sit. The weather is really starting to break cool now. 36° when I left the house. I put on an extra layer but it should have been heavier. The squirrels are running around but no deer seen yet. I just had a small basket rack 8 pt sneak right by me. I didn't even hear or see him until he was right under me. Then he caught me reaching for my bow and he was gone. DAMN IT! Then a pretty red fox came right behind him but I couldn't get a picture. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Warm as can be for Nov 1 here in central il...but I'm still here for a midday sit. Hopefully the bucks are cruising even w the warmer temps. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Spike chased a doe past...then a doe comes running back by. Now I have two bucks fighting 80 yds away. Watching the whole thing through the binos. This is getting good!! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Sat on the county sewer easement this afternoon, I took one of the recurves a Bear/Victor magnesium that I had dipped. At about 4:00 a kid on a motor-cross cycle came screaming back and fourth down the trail. Then the wife calls and she's on her way home early because her boss is sending her out to Phoenix in the morning for 3 days. Needless to say my afternoon was a bust. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK it's been a long time since I've used my climber. Note to self, give yourself more time to set up! Actually setting up really wasn't the problem, getting here was. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
This may be a good spot! I just spotted a tree stand 20 yards from where I'm set up. It wasn't there when it was dark. Lol Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Nice morning tree rats running every where. Seen a small bobcat and coyote and first lite. No deer yet. Got one crazy tree rat running around the stand. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Just spooked a nice hanger on my way to the stand! Damn it! I hope he's curious. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Deer have been coming out onto clients lawn and feeding on flower garden nightly according to client. Upon the clients suggestion I set up between driveway and the creek. Not long after I got settled in I saw a fawn over the neighbors fence. I trotted off in the opposite direction. Just before dark as if on cue here comes a deer. It meandered in off to my right in the brush about 50 yards away. I used my grunt call a few times and it stopped, waited awhile then started coming through the woods in my direction. I let it pass by me then I bleated (AAAAHHHH) to stop it. When it did it's head and shoulders were behind a silver beech tree. I saw that if I stood up I could get a quartering away shot, but I'd have to have the arrow hug the tree pretty close. So, I waited, then waited some more it just stood there. I drew took careful aim and let R'eat! DEAD DEER RUNNING for 40 yards then it piled up and died within sight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Awesome shot VA! I'm back in the stand this morning. So far nothing. I'll give that rattle bag a whirl at around 8ish. Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk
Nothing yet here in Ohio. Still a bit warm though, hoping to get a little action before I gotta get to class.
Been on stand since 2:30, I've seen two doe being chased 200yds across the pasture. I'll be glad when these 25-30mph wind die down!
Vacation has officially started. Nothing like November 4 th in between two bedding areas. Rain finally quit and it's cooler, but windy. I love knowing at any moment I could have the experience of a lifetime!
Got 6 scent wicks with fresh estrous out. I'm a little disappointed though, as soon as I got out of the truck I was greeted with coyotes howling again. This time they were on the property by the stands I hunted the first two sits. I'm not discouraged though, it's going to be a good day. I think I can, I think I can.......
This is just unbelievable, one deer seen about 300yds behind me tail up and running. Not sure what spooked it. 5 minutes later I have something walking my way from the east, my right. This is what come under my stand Then he stopped where I shot the coyote a week and an hour earlier. First it's coyotes, now domestics. I feel like I'm in a Wes Craven version of 101 Dalmations. I'm about to hang it up for the year, deck seems to be stacked against me