In the stand and ready to kill. Hopefully I see some deer during daylight. Saw 10 while walking in and 3 were within 50 yds from stand Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk
Sitting here. Perfect wind direction (but too much). Rained last night. I'm basically hoping I see a deer because I won't hear any. Feeling pretty good temp wise. These under armour guys are on to something. Going to stand hop around 9 if I'm not seeing anything. Can't upload photo for some reason. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Well I threw caution to the wind and went to sit in a cedar thicket blind. Jumped limpy (a doe I've nicknamed) about 200 yards from the blind. She was the only thing I saw except about 40 squirrels. Nothing took over my scrape, and I haven't seen any others. Public ground is starting to look better. I know there are bucks here, I just haven't seen one yet. Maybe next week. I'll give it another hour then I think I'll head home. Getting hungry. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Been back at it since 2. Nothing yet. It would be sweet to see something. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Got permission to hunt my wife's brothers girlfriends parents house (yup one of those) at 1:00 today. I'm now sitting on there 5 acres. Lots of mature oaks, backs up to a river. Borders a lightly hunted conservation area and a herb farm (no not that kind). The part of conservation it buts up to is no hunting and the herb farm applies for nussaince permits every year. Wind isnt great for hear but I didn't know that. It's not cometely wrong but close so hopefully it stays where it is
3rd sit of the season on the weekend I've been waiting for since Jan. 17th. Coyotes just went ape $&@?! About 5 minutes ago, hopefully they're not the only ones celebrating the kill this morning. Frosty 34 degrees with calm winds, almost too calm but I hopefully took enough time with scent control to help.
I think my morning may be shot already. Coyotes were screaming about 6am, they're thick around here. About 7am I heard one start howling and yapping a couple hundred yards away, the direction I'm expecting deer to come from. About 7:30 I hear hooves galloping down the trail, a doe fawn goes screaming past full speed. A minute later 2 coyotes go racing by through the cedar thicket. 5 minutes later 3 coyotes come walking back and head my way. 1 stopped and 2 kept coming. Drew back as they put a tree between us and waited. There was a normal looking one and a blonde one. Blonde one stopped 10yds quartering away and I dropped it in it's tracks. Other two had no clue and kept coming in, had a second at 15yds, but as I settled my pin it trotted into cover. So I'm sitting here with a dead coyote 10yds away in the middle of a path. Losing confidence
Man! I want to bring my Bow and just coyote hunt! Where are you. I though we had lots of coyotes. I think you are hunting their homeland.
Mouse squeek on those coyotes.They can't stand it and will come to investigate,giving you the shot ( about 50% of the time ).:D At least thats one deer killer down.
No, but seriously.... Nice looking buck, but if hes not what youre looking for I hope what you ARE looking for strolls by
This was just out of Jacksonville in Morgan county, IL. They were howling and yelpping until about 9:30 in the morning. Used my phone to record, but this was going on for a few minutes before I decided to record. No video as it was an hour before legal shootin light. And a few after I climbed down at 9am. I flipped it over and the coyote I drew back on but didn't get a shot off was actually still up in the cedars. Must have been a mating pair and laid down up there or something. It took off again as I drew back. Put a deer and a coyote in the same frame and I'll shoot the yote every time, way too many of them
They getting smaller ...but still moving ::)):)he's right in my wind..who says scent-away don't work[/IMG] Sent from my DROID X2
I agree, the whole time I was in stand staring down at it wanting a full body mount. But money is kind of tight right now, plus I haven't a clue about how to go about dressing one out or if you take it as is to the taxi. I've never had a day so filled with coyotes, maybe in the summer I can take a .223 out there and have some fun.