I'm horrible. I thought this was supposed to get easier over time, I'm getting worse. For a while I was up & down shooting(good/bad, not arrow impact). Lately I've just been horrible. Started out this evening grouping well, but 4-6" left. Then in trying to correct that, I ended up all over, then suddenly my arrows just started hitting crazy low. Checked nock, it didn't move, I finally just quit before slamming my bow off a tree.
You gotta keep practicing , i may get the odd stray arrow , but at 13yds i get 4-5 inch groups nearly everytime now . Start close and move back as you improve and burn a hole , thats all i do . Good luck Rybo .
Monday. But unfortunately for this entire spring I’ve only been getting to shoot 1-2 times a week. Occasionally 3x. I’ve also been predominantly shooting the recurve, so I don’t know if it’s the bow, me or both. Anytime I group well with that bow its always left. I have to really struggle to not get them to go left & it messes me up.
rybo, a minimum of 60% of this stuff is mental. My advice is to do a little mental conditioning. A very good read is "In Pursuit of Excellence".
Actually, no. I am not sure at all and have been intending to bareshaft. BUT I was hoping to try and get a little more consistent so that I could hopefully discern what the bareshafts were telling me. My arrow flight is as erratic as my POI at times. I'll get about any combination of great flight to a wobbly mess, combined with a dead on hit to completely missing the 18-1.
I ended up grabbing the longbow which I know is all good. And go figure, consistent shot sequence = consistent shooting. Sooo I see some bareshafting in my future today for the recurve. :d
What's supposed to occur? Or what occurs when I attempt it? I cut an inch off a full shaft to get it started. My point weight was hoped to be 200 gr. So I start. Several rounds of shooting a BS & a FS(bareshaft & fletched shaft) and all that I could tell was that I can never eliminate my nock high flight(kind of knew that already). I could only go by shaft orientation as there was no pattern as to whether the BS flew left or right of the FS. Arrow flight of the FS was pretty good, still not perfect. I tried shooting a 250 gr pt and it lowered my nock high reading a little, but otherwise not real difference. Bareshaft showed slightly weak, I am gun shy to trim much. I continued shooting the FS with limited success, I still hit left a lot. At this point I'll probably just get rid of the bow.
The right arrow/weight combination Is there to be had Ryan bare shafting, you've just gotta have the patience to find It and once you do you'll be happy you did. But..... I wonder If your not having some form Issues while shooting your recurve or maybe your recurve Isn't 100% tuned? Bare shafting wouldn't do you much good then. I've been In your shoes before Ryan, hang In there. One question, you say your arrows are going left on you. Are they flying straight when going left? Reason I ask Is when I bare shafted my FMJ's my arrows were going about a foot low and left on me and my arrow flight was perfect at 20 yards. I had to learn to shoot these new arrows again, In a few days I was hitting my spots pretty good. Have you shot through any paper yet at real close yardages?
In a nut shell that's what I was reffering to. They sure were Jeff. I just kept practicing and practicing and all of a sudden they started hitting close to where I was looking. These FMJ's came out of my recurve allot different then my 2216's did. 10 yards there wasn't much difference but at 20 yards It was huge. For years my shooting at 20+ yards was hit and miss with my 2216's. I really believe now that just about every hunt I go out on I'll have that option of a 20 to 22 yard shot and not be afraid to take It. In reality I didn't have the right arrow combo set up for 13 years, It was close but not perfect.
Steve, I'm pretty sure I still have a little form issues, which was why I shot a ton to try and average those out. My arrow flight is pretty good, just a little correcting from coming out nock high, and many times when I hit left, its about the best arrow flight I get. I haven't shot thru paper at all. And at this point of my shooting, I'm not going to attempt to shoot a bow that doesn't hit where I look. Jeff, Both 200 & 250 gr showed weak, the only difference was how high the nock was(less high at 250) I didn't bother dropping weight below that. I can this evening for curiousity sake. I eventually played a little with brace height but only minor changes that I eventually put back to where I was.
rybo, Not trying to be a bummer but I had the same thing back when I was still shooting recurve and found that I had a slight twist in my upper limb, have you checked that out yet.. Walt
" I could only go by shaft orientation as there was no pattern as to whether the BS flew left or right of the FS." It's pretty tough to use "shaft orientation" ( if I'm understanding you correctly).. You've got to have a totally neutral back stop material or it will give false readings. If the bareshaft and the arrow are impacting at the same point for up and down, left and right, you've pretty much got it.. If you're at that point... do you have other issue's?? Woodsman
I'm not a good enough shot to truly know where my bareshafts group in relation to my fletched ones. BUT I can vary the shaft orientation at will by varying point weight and nock set point. I have heard all this talk about false readings due to target material, yet I've never experienced it myself. The issue I still have is even when getting good arrow flight & all that, the arrows go mostly left of where I am aiming and its a struggle to make them hit dead on.
Ryan. This might be a silly question. But is the shelf center shot? If it's not then that could be the cause of the arrows going left.
Jeff. Yes that would if the bow was center shot. Even being 1/16" under shot on the shelf will send the arrows left for a right hand shooter. Dont hold too much in how the arrows are sticking out of the target but to where they are impacting the target. The sudden stop with most targets will kick the fletched end out/up/down/in or any variation.
I'm not sure. It's an older Martin Hadfield Takedown. Way back when I first got this bow the guy said it shot great with a little flipper rest. Well that got tossed out right away cause it made my arrows go way left & you could physically see it out of whack.I have a much thinner side plate now and visually it seems fine, but maybe I need to go thinner?
Ryan. Measure the shelf to see how deep it goes into the riser. That will tell you if it center shot or not.
OK First I want to thank everyone who followed me along here & tried to help The riser is cut 1/8" past center. 3/4" riser, 1" shelf. Shooting just now I had good arrow flight, and consistency, but still mostly left. I could get them to come back right if i drew much longer than felt comfortable for me. And actually could string a few together doing that. But like I said it wasn't comfortable...so I just hung that one down the basement, grabbed my longbow and actually enjoyed the rest of my shooting session this evening hitting where I look.