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Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Discussion in 'Traditional Archery' started by Kanga, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Kanga

    Kanga Weekend Warrior

    Nov 15, 2008
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    A couple of weeks ago I heard about a small 1 man lumber mill about 15 minutes from my house.
    With all the rain and nasty weather we have been having I was not able to get out the till today.
    Let me tell you guy's if I had of brought some of everything he had my check would have bounced into orbit................. around Mars:p

    So after 4 house of looking around and chatting with the owner ( BTW he don't like the president) so we got along like a house on fire but thats another story;)

    I ended up with some Osage, some Pecan with tiger stripe, some Mesquite and another wood that I have no idea what the name is, (he did tell me but I suffer from CRS) but it was one of those I have to have woods:D He also gave me some ebony and ivory which will be good for limb butt overlays;)

    His prices where really good so I dont have to much explaining to do:)

    Here it is in the back of the truck.


    The Tiger stripe Pecan




    Here is some of the other lumber he had there was a lot more than this but the camera ran out of memory.:mad:





    I will get a pic of the unknown but must have piece tomorrow.
  2. Bails-UK

    Bails-UK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Staffordshire , England , UK
    Wow , you did get carried away mate .

    Somebody is gonna get a sweet looking bow with that lot , what is the wood in the last picture ..... it looks real nice and so does that Mesquite .
  3. Kanga

    Kanga Weekend Warrior

    Nov 15, 2008
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    I have no idea what the last one is he did tell me, but then again he was just rattleing off the names to all the different woods he has.:p

    I didn't get any of the wood in the last 4 pics but I know he has it and can get some anytime;)

    The Pecan was 9ft long by 2ft wide and 2" thick I got him to chain saw it in 1/2 and even then it was bloody heavy:eek: I think it's gonna last me a long time.

    I am thinking about doing some stock bows with a Pecan riser with Mesquite limbs and maybe a Black Walnut riser with Pecan limbs, nothing real special but they will be at a reduced price compared to the full custom bows where the customer picks their woods and draw weight.;)

    Of course with the stock bows there will be more than one made with the same wood combo unlike the customs which will always be a 1 off bow.
  4. Burnie

    Burnie Weekend Warrior

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Small town Texas
    Russ, clean the truck already.

    Excellent find. Once I get the time to make more bows, ill be headed your direction. I might make a trip to the hardwood barn in Tyler, and hit that place on the way back.

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