A couple of weeks ago I heard about a small 1 man lumber mill about 15 minutes from my house. With all the rain and nasty weather we have been having I was not able to get out the till today. Let me tell you guy's if I had of brought some of everything he had my check would have bounced into orbit................. around Mars:p So after 4 house of looking around and chatting with the owner ( BTW he don't like the president) so we got along like a house on fire but thats another story I ended up with some Osage, some Pecan with tiger stripe, some Mesquite and another wood that I have no idea what the name is, (he did tell me but I suffer from CRS) but it was one of those I have to have woods:D He also gave me some ebony and ivory which will be good for limb butt overlays His prices where really good so I dont have to much explaining to do Here it is in the back of the truck. The Tiger stripe Pecan Mesquite Here is some of the other lumber he had there was a lot more than this but the camera ran out of memory. I will get a pic of the unknown but must have piece tomorrow.
Wow , you did get carried away mate . Somebody is gonna get a sweet looking bow with that lot , what is the wood in the last picture ..... it looks real nice and so does that Mesquite .
Dave I have no idea what the last one is he did tell me, but then again he was just rattleing off the names to all the different woods he has.:p I didn't get any of the wood in the last 4 pics but I know he has it and can get some anytime The Pecan was 9ft long by 2ft wide and 2" thick I got him to chain saw it in 1/2 and even then it was bloody heavy I think it's gonna last me a long time. I am thinking about doing some stock bows with a Pecan riser with Mesquite limbs and maybe a Black Walnut riser with Pecan limbs, nothing real special but they will be at a reduced price compared to the full custom bows where the customer picks their woods and draw weight. Of course with the stock bows there will be more than one made with the same wood combo unlike the customs which will always be a 1 off bow.
Russ, clean the truck already. Excellent find. Once I get the time to make more bows, ill be headed your direction. I might make a trip to the hardwood barn in Tyler, and hit that place on the way back.