what do you guys use for light setups im gonna be shooting in a river with an average dept of upto 6 feet deep in a semi clear water not alot of silt or anything. just trying to get a good idea on what i would need to get started with.
I'm using halogens with a genny, but you have lots of options. The latest craze is LEDs but not sure how effective they are yet and they are a little pricey. The halogens are the cheapest method and do a good job but they use a lot of juice.
im trying to stay away from gennys i was leaning toward running it off a car battery or something similar
A battery dedicated to the spotlight and a partner to shine it works great for me. We take turns shooting. I have discoverd that 300-500, 000 CP is plenty. More than than spooks fish and kills the battery faster. Of course fish don't spook as bad in deeper or cloudier water. I hunt mostly for big catfish.
Would you be able to link me to the light you used? and did you have to splice the wires to hook it up to the battery or was it pre done?
I am sorry it took me so long... I've been out. I generally use a Brinkman 500,000 CP spot light. In really clear water or in really shallow water I downsize to a 300,000 CP. As far as connecting the batteries a heavy alligator clip works fine with the batteries out of the way. I built a box with a receptacle on it and put matching cord plugs on my spotlights so all I have to do is plug into the box. It is simple and probably not right for tournaments but works fine for me.