Around the first of the year I started lifting weights and doing cardio in prep for a rather strenuous elk hunt this fall. A week or two later my indoor league started and with only two weeks to go, this is by far the worst year of indoor that I have ever shot. It seems like every week or two I am tinkering with my sights and making adjustments although everything seems fine with my bow. Could the weight lifting be screwing with my shooting that much? I am hoping so because I cant find anything else to blame.
Make sure to do light weights with more reps as heavy weight lifting can cause what you described above.
Im sure its possible lifting a lot is affecting it, in terms of muscle memory and all that.. But Im sure more experienced archers will have better explanations for you. Thats just my guess
Lifting weights can definitely affect your shooting. As to how much it affects you depends on how close your workout was to when you shoot. You have to give your muscles a chance to re-coop otherwise you'll definitely have more troubles holding steady and shaking. I've never shot my bow in conjunction with weightlifting, but I've tried to play basketball directly after lifting weights and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty.
I agree, I was doing shoulder routines and shooting spots the same day, they dont go together,, gotta have rest!
I lift regularly, and find that even after given hours of rest between lifting and shooting, my shooting still suffers. I either become fatigued much quicker, or I cannot settle my bow arm.
agreed!!! If you think about, your tearing down muscle fibers so they grow bigger. It takes awhile for them to recoup!! lifting+shooting=not a good mix.
Maybe shoot on your off days. I work out everyday, w/various muscle groups and have not found that problem. But I work out @ 0530 and usually shoot around dusk.
Everyone nailed it; it definitely will affect your shooting! Me too... can you say airball six times in a row to start off the shooting session? :d
I quickly learned not to lift on league days, it wasn't good! I'm starting to work more on cardio and hills right now so hopefully the shooting will improve.