Well one of the dumb things I have done in life was not to buy a Life time Licenese. At one point they were fairly cheap but so were the tags, so I didnt see the point. Well the license drove up in price tremendously, as did the life time license. Now Indiana dosent even offer it anymore I have $ 85.00 invested in three tags, Two Deer and a Fall Turkey tag and Game bird stamp Not counting regular hunting and fishing License. Does your state offer one, Or did it and now dont or never has?
I wish I would have bought a IL lifetime license back in the early 90's then I wouldnt have to pay these crazy ass IL non resident deer hunting fee's.
Never even heard of them in Ohio, put the prices are pretty hefty here to. But i also get half off for being a youth for the next couple years.
I here you Jeff, Im 44 also.(dam were getting old :D) If they were still around at the cost they were right before they droped the ball on them, It wouldnt be feesable for me, BUT I have been hunting 30 years plus, and if I had jumped on it back then, I would be Gold Peak, we screwed up brotha Issac, the youth license is the best thing going IMO, My son is on his last year then its $$$$$$
They may have been offered way back, but not since I have been hunting here in KY. Youth is very cheap, and for adults it is $95 a year, again I see this as cheap. That is for EVERYTHING (minus a duck stamp). You can hunt dove, small game, 2 deer, 4 fall turks, 2 spring turks, fish, hunting license...everything. If you do luck out and draw an elk tag, that is extra though. IN nonresident prices honestly aren't too terribly bad compared to most. $150 isn't cheap, but compared to most states it sure is. I still haven't dropped the coin on it officially, but I figure I better soon if I am going to! :D
About $1000 in NY if you add the archery stamps, and all the other add ons I would want. It's $88 a year now for me, and keeps going up every few years. I'd like to buy one, but with the bigger home improvement projects coming up, it won't happen this year. Maybe next.
I don't think that PA offers it. If they did, I would love to buy it. My tags run about $54 bucks a year as it stands now. I'd like to see a combo as well.
Our lifetime permits are a pretty good deal. We can get a lifetime hunting for 300.00. For my basic, big game and bow license it would come out to 39.50 a year. I can also purchase a lifetime hunt/fish license which includes sal****er and freshwater fishing, Basic hunt, big game, primitive firearms, bow hunting, waterfowl license, turkey stamp and WMA permit for 500.00. If you have a kid in LA you can purchase a lifetime hunt/fish license before they turn four for 200.00. Pretty good deal I think. I may look into dropping the 500 in the next couple of years for the lifetime hunt/fish.
Funny, I was looking at this again today in the Fall Handbook... Ours still hasn't changed from since when I was a teenager, so I probably won't even buy one for my sons for one simple reason -- deer and turkey are NOT included in it. That's the way it was when I was young, and they still haven't changed it.
Dan, mine was a no brainer. I was actually a NR when I bought my Oklahoma Lifetime. The university wouldn't recognize me as a resident but the Wildlife department would (even though I had a texas DL) as long as I could provide them with ample proof. 2 years of pay stubs worked. It was $775 in 2005 (hunting/fishing combo). To buy all the stuff I would hunt/fish for it would cost me somewhere around $290 annually. It's already paid for itself. It's also awesome to not worry about whether I have the right tag for the right season or my waterfowl stamp, legacy permit... etc. Ours includes literally everything except for a trout stamp, HIP permit (which is free), and Federal waterfowl stamp. :D
Oklahoma's system is awesome (like Dubbs said). The lifetime license was $775 when I bought mine in 2004 and they include everything except a trout and waterfowl stamp. It is really nice not having to worry about having the right tag in your pocket. I have never once bought a deer or turkey tag :D
I bought my lifetime WV license about 10yrs ago for $525. I knew I was moving to VA, so I bit the bullet and got it. I also got my son his as well, which was $275 at that time for children under 2. It was one of the best moves I ever made....as a non-res WV license would cost me over $200 per year to hunt all the seasons...with no extra tags (which is what my lifetime license gives me). So glad I did it, we are both set now forever.
I bought one from Nebraska when I left in 1993 for $250.00 and after Desert Storm I Bought my Iowa Lifetime Fish and Hunt for $3.50. I have a 10% hearing Disability. I Love IOWA!!!!!