PT I was laughing so hard in the kitchen the kids ran out to see what they were missing. I wasn't laughing at you...well I was, but not out of Keep your chin up and nail'em next time.
Guess that jerky marinade is gonna have to wait! Get back on the horse Tony and put one on the ground soon!
ya all are hilarious.. is this video available yet??? PT I have always admired those that can make fun of themselves and be ok with it!'s all I have left, Bro There is a freedom wih just being honest ..... it turns out I just blew it .... 3 freekin times!!! (I sure am getting a lot of miles with this smiley ) some other thoughts: Rob is a freekin squirrel!!! I wont go into detail, but he takes his shoes and socks off and uses his toenails and fingernails to climb into that one tree :D Jenny is as sweet as she is beautiful ....great gal ... Ben cleared out an acrce of brush with nothing but his teeth and massive paws and planted a food plot.... and then he dug a small pond with nothin but a spoon (or at least that's what the shovel looked like in his hands :D ) Axle is one cool dog ...friendly as heck ... Gary, you and him would get along REAL good :D PA should be re-named "Tickville" ... Cripes there were 3 crawling on me at different times ...and unlike me, one actually drew blood Rob pulled him off with tweezers.. I left my quiver in my bowcase Tuesday AM ...we get to the tree and I realize I don't have it ... I told Rob and he walked all the way back to the truck to get it ... it's a good thing we got to our spot at 3:30 in the morning :D ..seriously tho .. he did it without complaint or ridicule... those of you that think he is a jerk, you don't know him . Mobow sucks ..... that's all I can remember now :D
Kill or no kill, this right here is what its all about. 99.99999999% of my hunts are alone. To be able to spend that time with a friend would make those hunt not only more memorable, but more enjoyable.
and may I add ...when the sucker is holding a camera to broadcast to BH.COM ...more stressfull ....but it was worth it
I currently have the video half way uploaded to youtube. It's failed, twice now. 20 minutes remaining. The whole thing is just over 9 minutes long.
Failed again, unknown error! I saw my wireless down. I'm going to try one more time wirelined..... *&#^%#$
Tony- I warned you not to drink the water up there in the land of 3 legged bear and 1 eyed, crooked horn deer.
So if you cant upload to the net there is going to be available copies on DVD for the forum members right?? Sorry to hear about your misses Tony, I was rootin for ya buddy. Dont sweat those opportunities only come alon every six or seven years right? JK buddy hope you lay down a slammer in NY this year so you can gt the monkey off your back, even though its more like a gorilla now
Dang Tony! I got your text but I didnt know if you were bustin balls or not...i offense.:D You'll get on em up here I know it, when are we going hunting together anyways?! If i could actually get you a deer, i think that would be a better mark of my hunting skills than myself shootin a 200"+! C'mon, you know i couldn't resist. :D
Very cute Brent and Al ... you young guys ...I dont know...:p Al .. I am off the last week of October and the first week of November ..let me know