I sent one of my Leupold RCX-2 trail camera in for warranty work(again, for the 4th time). Leupold CS said, that the RCX-2 is no longer available and they will pay me "current full retail" value. for my trail camera that is in for a warranty claim...in a check form or could be spent at Leupold for something else. Plus, they offered to take in my other RCX-2 that has been acting up too. I'm serious, debating what to do, total cash out and get some Roconyx, or get a scope for my 300 Win Mg. I find the pixs off the trail camera do motivate me to stay in the stand longer, and make suggestion to family members on hunting pressure and selection/suggestions. MOBU
How much are they offering? Since they are not being made they most likely won't be supported after a while. I think I'd take the money and run. Blessings........Pastorjim
$232 for the stand alone RCX-2 camera and $252 for RCX-2 camera kits(camera and controller)...I did have them for 3 years too. Between the two cameras, I've sent them back to Leupold a total of 7 times! Leupold was great about replacing them, but a pain to box them up and ship them out. I'm sure it was a real money pit for them! Needless to say, I've been reading trail camera reviews for sometime now planning my next purchase(s). MOBU
I wouldn't think twice about it, I'd take the money and go buy some decent cameras...several for that kind of money.
Take that money and run, be thankful your dealing with a company as good a leupold, because that is a better offer the the vast majority of company would even consider let alone give.
Tough call. You can get a great scope with that money if you do not have one yet for the rifle. You will still need to buy cameras though.
I'd take the money they offered you and run!! I think Leupold used junk cams and thought their name would sell them but they found out different.
if you need a scope get a scope... If not get the money. That is by far the WORST camera i have ever had to deal with. That is awesome they are gonna give ya something back for the junk..... The viewer that is comes with is awesome though.