I know it's the slow season.. but lets get some conversation here people. Stimulate my mind! Here are some topic choices I don't think we've covered yet. -5 legged bucks -non-sleeper states -shot-bows.. you know.. a cross between a shotgun and a bow -non-licking branches -bowtech snobs (ok.. ok.. that last one was just a stab at some of you techies):d (i got nothin').
No.. in fact just the opposite. But I don't have the luxury of sitting in front of a PC during the day. While I'm at home.. doing bids at night.. I like to jump back here for a few and see what is up. Nothings been up.. lately. It makes me sad. And now your off-topic meandering has lost this post entirely.
You girls are great. You are just itching to have this conversations in a whisper 25 feet up. Makes me want it too be here too.
I like the shot bow idea. Let's take it a step further: How about a massive bow with two footholds on the riser that you draw with a two handed release. You would only be able to shoot it from a seated position but it would have like a 54" draw length and 150 lb draw weight. The drawing motion would be similar to rowing... Is it October yet?
I am a Bowtech snob hunting a five legged buck over a non licking branch in a non sleeper state with my shotbow. Your turn: Use em all in a sentence.
Gotta like "-non-licking branches".... I would say that 100% of the trees I hang my stands in have non-licking branches....
I called Cabela's today and pretended to be offended, just to see if I could squeeze a nice discount out of 'em on a new treestand or a rangefinder. No dice. I even tried to make it a "race" issue. Cabela's is tight with the discounts these days. What the hell ever happened to throwing a bone to pacify an irate customer (or one who is just pretending to be irate)? Seriously, I wasn't asking for a kidney. I just wanted 25%. Or 50. A guy made fun of me the other day for being the only hunter he's ever known who didn't have a four wheel drive. I asked him when was the last time he harvested an animal in archery season when he couldn't have made the commute and parked his vehicle in 2x4. He just stared at me. I just pulled out my crown and put it on. He was clearly stunned. The King just sent the Royal Bow away to get new strings. He ordered hot pink. He will kill a big buck with a girly pink string - just to show the world that he can. That's how the King rolls. Vancouver is running the Blackhawks out of the building right now. Bowhunting Jesus, I'd like to take this moment to thank you for beer, deer, hooters and hockey. All is right in the world. Shock Top Belgian Wheat. Great beer. I am so ready for bow season. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of arrows I have - or what kind of broadheads I use. I couldn't give a **** about my bow sight or stupid camo pattern. Just give me a full tank of gas and flip the calendar to October.
I'm eager to go shoot the hell out of some fish. My AMS package arrived this afternoon but I have to wait until I get the camera(s) out so I can set it up. Probably do that tomorrow, possibly at lunch if its not raining. A friend of ours who found a HUGE 5 point shed off a local legend buck (last year's shed from the same buck was the largest 5 point shed ever found and officially scored) is coming to the office tomorrow to also film some stuff for the site. So you should get a good look at this ridiculous antler soon. I'm anxious to hold it. I need to go pull two more stands this weekend that I don't want to leave up any longer lest the seats get chewed and the straps get dry rotted. Hopefully its not too muddy out, as I really don't feel like getting dirty. I also need to continue work on the Bowhunting.com DVD that we're putting together, which I will most likely do this weekend while I enjoy a beer or two and watch the Cubs game. That's all I've got.
I bought new arrows, wraps, and fletchings this week. After putting on the wraps I realized I didn't have any glue, and I am far too lazy to drive half a mile and buy some. They are collecting dust as we type. This thing has offspring. I will find them. This was in my hometown's newspaper a few weeks ago. I swear. Where the EFF is Bals? It's about that time here :d I'm ready for Fall too. So I can continue my pursuit of monster bucks.
After turkey season ends, I'll be in deer/waterfowl mode. I don't even want to start to think about it now, because I'll just get even more anxious :d