I move around A LOT. Standing, sitting, turning around, look at phone, sit back down, stand back up, etc. I've never been picked off simply from moving around you just have to be smart about it. I've been caught drawing on a deer a time or 2, but that's all part of the game. I like to know what's going on all around me, not just the 180 degrees in front of me. If I get picked off, I get picked off. I likely wouldn't have known a deer was behind me if I wasn't trying to scan the full 360-degree area I was hunting.
I just don’t give a flip what other people do I guess… this is ‘Merica! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I am constantly Live FromThe Stand. When November rolls around I spend a lot of stand time updating the scorecard, messaging people who are missing info and settling issues. I do all of this and I still manage to kill a few deer. When I’m on my phone I’m not ignoring my surroundings. I am listening. I am looking up and around constantly but slowly. How about this: You hunt the way you want to hunt, I’ll hunt the way I want to hunt and we will both be happy. Your way isn’t the only way,
since the thread is about how much you let yourself move in stand and not actually about someone who lives on an internet forums views on using a cell phone in stand, and not about shooting form, lets talk about moving in stand. someone brought up ADHD and that would be a real struggle. I struggle more with knees hurting, not being able to see, wanting to give a death glare to squirrels etc. I have for the last couple years been standing and rotating in stand, sitting back down, hanging bow up, holding it, laying on lap etc. and in doing so have seen no decrease in deer sightings as compared to sitting like a statute.
Well you post an awful lot here and respond quickly so you are addicted to it or a computer of some sort Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm an owner of a business so I'm on my phone all the time. I've been known to sneak out into the woods for a hunt or two during the weekday and still run the business from my phone or ipad. I can answers emails and send proposals all from the blind and then grab the bow and kill a deer. I have one tower blind that I can have my laptop, iPad and phone setup. That's during rifle season. I'll have my whole office setup there but it allows me to hunt. It's setup between two patches of woods with thousands of open acreage behind me. The deer literally run through that field to get from patch of woods to patch of woods. Have I missed seeing deer? Yes! However, it still gives me the opportunity to be out while running the business. I don't hunt a lot during the week and it has to be a slower business day but if I don't have much going on I might sneak out. On the weekends I try to disconnect from the phone more while I hunt. So do I move in stand? Yes, but I do try to limit it. I think the stand locations determines the amount of movement you can get away. I tend to hunt in blinds because I'm not a person that sits still very easy. I've also found it easier to not get picked off as much. Not to go off topic but I leave my blind exactly like it looks when I hunt in it. So if I have certain windows open while I'm hunting I leave them open when I'm not there. Maybe it's just me but it seems to me the deer are more on edge when they notice something different. So back to the movement...because I move more and am on my phone that's why I hunt blind and try to conceal myself as much has possible.
I stay more still in a saddle than I ever did in a stand. I hate sitting, makes my back tired tighten up and I would constantly fidget. I can lean into the ropes of my saddle to support my weight without moving until it is time to shoot.
I'm a mover. Always have been. Can't see what coming from the sides/behind if you don't. Move slow and keep your arms/ hands tucked close to your body.
I am an a hole for suggesting you put down the phone and just sit and hunt "hard" from the stand? What did you do before cell phones?
Need internet encouragement to keep fighting the battle? Children please. Sorry I am old school but not sorry.
Not going to get caught up in the should you or shouldn't you of phone use in the stand. I do it, I'll continue to do it. I think @Sota's point is more to the evolution of cell phones. I tried to go back to a flip phone 5-6 years ago, didn't work. My phone is what the baby boomers used as a rolodex, desk, note pad and bill organizer. I pay my bills with a few clicks and fill-ins. As a child/teen I could tell you 20-25 peoples phone numbers from memory, I might be able to recite 5 now, maybe. If I lose my phone, I lose contact with everyone I know pretty much. As far as on topic and sitting still. Can't do it without a distraction, which is my phone. Legs fall asleep, butt cheeks get numb/sore, boredom creates unrest, an itch or having to piss etc... The phone distracts me from it all, it keeps me in stand longer. If I have to piss, I look around, stand up slowly and piss. Never a second thought. I stand up to stretch, I extend my legs while sitting, I turn and look behind for movement etc., but I do so with controlled movement. I've been busted for slight movement and I have gotten away with movement that should have made a blind man jump. I've stood up while both mature bucks and does have been coming in with little cover and been successful and I've slightly moved an arm, head or made a slight shift to turn for a shot and been busted. Turkey is a whole 'nother topic....
Don’t hurt our feelings telling us what to do and you won’t be an a hole. A hole. I kid I kid I kid. Can’t wait until we hit Ronneby for lunch and 8 beers then go get in the Muddy one of these days. Glad to see you posting outside of the Water Cooler. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I use my time in the woods to disconnect and ignore online BS and phone calls, I spend 2 hours a day ignoring online BS when I get home, have zero interest in talking or texting during that, I just do not get the social media presence most of it is fake. I may not sit in a deer stand but I watch the sun set every night.