These three are my my main targets for the season. Been tracking the bear for a while now and finally got a picture of him! Can't wait til Oct 18th!
These were on the list until my Reconyx started sending me pics at the farm! These two are in my back yard. It will be fun watching them grow. Now the one at the farm…
Here are 3 bucks. 2 are definite shooters. The 8 pointer with the split G2, I'm thinking needs one more year.
I only have 1 hit lister this year. I named him High and Tight last year when I passed him as a 9 point. Sure glad I did.
Great buck Sam. I can’t tell if that’s a 12 or an 11 point. It looks like he might have a 12th point on the back of his right side. I don’t have any hit-listers. None. I only run cameras here on my home place and all I have is a ton of does, a handful of little guys and one weird buck I call Portland. When I kill a buck it’ll be a surprise buck.
This is my target buck I've been hunting going on year 3 now. Found his sheds 50 yards apart from each other. No pictures of him this year. First sit this last Fri on a property 1.5 miles from where I've been hunting him, and SOB if I didn't get him!
I got a glimpse of the brow tine bruiser within range last year, but it was through a bunch of brush and I had no shot. Hopefully I'll get a better opportunity this year! I was very happy he showed back up on my first card pull of the year as I had no photos of him past the muzzle loader season last year. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk