Here's a few of the photo's I have, I lost a pile of other ones. These are all bow kills. These are pictures I took of a bear 1/8 mile from my house last year (2008) (bear are not common at all In my part of the state). My very 1st Minnesota black bear, shot In 1989. I was 15 years old, he dressed out at 175lbs. The 2nd picture Is of us dragging him out. Minnesota black bear, shot In 1990. Dressed out at 130lbs. Minnesota black bear, shot In 1993. Dressed out at 150lbs. Minnesota black bear, shot In 1995. Dressed out at 135lbs. The 2nd picture Is the group picture of that year bear hunting, we went 10 for 11 that year. 7 of the 10 bear killed were traditional bow kills. Minnesota black bear, shot In 1996. This bear was also my very 1st recurve kill. Dressed out at 135lbs. Minnesota black bear (Chocolate), shot In 2000. By far my biggest bear, dressed out at 325lbs and his skull scored 20 5/16 P&Y. He measured 7.5 feet In length. Minnesota black bear, shot In 2002. Dressed out at 180lbs. Minnesota black bear, shot In 2007. Dressed out at 150lbs. My very 1st buck, shot In 1991 I believe. I don't have too many deer photo's, most got lost. Minnesota buck, shot In 2007. He's my biggest, dressed out at 210lbs and scored 140 1/8 net P&Y. Minnesota doe fawn, shot In 2008. Last day and hour of the season, I was pretty proud!!
Awesome pictures everyone, looks like a lot of good memories. I haven't been at it as long as most of you but I have a few to share. 1995: Rabbit, 1st animal ever 1996: quail hunt with family, SE Indiana 2006 doe and doe fawn October 2008 Doe fawn, My little brother and I My cousin's '08 Winter Kill find in Wyoming '08 Late season doe fawn(1st bowkill from the ground; the frozen deer), 2 days before Christmas. Didn't pass through...backed out and found her quickly the next morning. She was frozen and so was I.. Another doe fawn..(WAY too many does on our farm) My cousin Andy's '08 SE Indiana buck Me in the stand: 2009 Spring turkey #1 (not bowkills) 2009 Spring turkey #2
Bloodcrik, You will most likely win the Redneck category as I do not see how anyone can possibly beat that entry! Respect. A lot of memories and good times are showing here!
This photo is probably my favorite one. The hunt that hooked me for life! Dec. 7, 1968, I was 12 years old and on my 2nd hunt ever. My dad didn't have a lot of money so he improvised. Hand painted camo (coveralls from his work), home made back quiver (worked great), Freeze your toes off rubber boots in December. Dad din't want to spend the money for boots, said I'd out grow them too fast. Dime store knife ($1.25), lucky Jones style hat and my favorite Sunday goin' to Church, black leather, rabbit fur lined gloves! Oh Yeah!! The bow was a 1966 Indian Archery recurve @ 35 lbs, complete with masking tape and magic marker camo. I shot hand fletched cedar arrows with solid, sharpen with a file Bear broadheads. I still have that bow. I made a 15 yard running shot and took out 1 lung. I was pumped (still am)! The hunt was in Neceedah, Wi. I will never forget that day. Neither did my dad, he watched me do it. You could tell he was proud. I never truly understood his feelings until I watched my own son take his first deer, a 123" 8 pointer! Here it is...
My first bowkill in my second year of bowhunting. Nice hat huh? :d The hole in the neck is the exit from a followup shot after I snuck up on her bedded in a brushpile. It entered High in her back and exited her neck.
Here was a picture of my 1st archery kill.... Worked my tail off for this deer - got him on like the 8th stalk..... And my most recent.....
Dang Steve! Peak, you can't stick it if you're not going to eat it, remember! AJ, I wanna shake your hand! Awesome pics! Don, I love the fox!
Don, thats the ugliest coon dog I ever seen. Lifesadrag, The picture of your wife is Awesome, the look on her face, the look on the dogs face, her posture holding the rabbits, and coverd from head to toe with stick tights. It's a classic.
Took a double on bucks in '05 on our 35 acres: So had to limit some Does after that: I sure enjoy shooting 'em with the bow...