I'm off tomorrow, Tuesday (4/6) if you want to do some stump shoot'n. I'll be practicing out of my pop-up blinds as well for turkey season. If you're free call me in the AM after 7:00. Check PM for number.
The weather was decent after work today so I got out and worked on some things. The grip on the Bogan seems to be giving me fits but I did find that if I centered the ball of it in the palm of my hand and used a low wrist grip on it similar to my other longbow my groups got better. Still, at 15 yds. this is the best of 8 groups with the Bogan compared to just picking up the Siberian Wolf for the first time in 6 months and shooting one group. I think I'm just used to the straight grip.
Those are some impressive groups. The one at 60 amazes me. Congrats for all the time and effort you've invested. Taking a deer trad must be an amazing feeling.
Watched some videos of guys shooting last night on youtube. I watched some of Rick Welch's (don't know who he is) shooting techniques. I like how they lift their bows from the side as they draw, then hold and shoot. I was trying to pull straight back slowly when I drew before and that style just did not feel right. I also added a second anchor which is now the knuckle of my thumb behind my jaw. My first anchor is my middle finger in the corner of my mouth. I just shot 30 or so shots this morning and already noticed a difference. That second anchor also forced me to get my elbow back even more, thereby lining me up a bit better. I still have a long ways to go, but dang this is fun.
VAShadow I think i've tried everything there is to try. I used to pull the bow back as i swung it up from the side; until i the first time i shot from a stand. I now base all of practicing around hunting scenarios. For example: i used to shoot with my legs a shoulder width apart; now i shoot all shots with my feet together. My climbers dont allow me to spread my legs too far. I also shoot with my bow vertical and canted. my natural shot is canted. the main thing is to have fun and stay at it I have only been shoot for about 4years and i love it. I really been having fun shooting about 15-20 shots from about 12 yds. If i cant group there; then there's no since in moving further back. its also a good confidence builder.
Right after I shot this morning and posted that I swung my bow up, it hit me.....that would not be practical from the stand, too much movement. I am going back to trying a modified version of the vertical straight back draw. Thanks Gut.
Well i thought i would give it a go with both the Yarra and the Bogan , after shooting the Yarra and my first arrow from the Bogan , I found by removing my glasses .... well you'll see the result with the rest of the Group ( all groups taken from 15yds ) . Firstly the Yarra ( Red Nocks on the arrows ) , I find this a little harder to group due to the extra 6# of draw weight maybe or again it could be that my glasses foul my lining up . I'll try again with the Yarra without the glasses , see if it helps any . Second the Bogan ( Green Nocks ), I find this bow an absolute delight to draw . After releasing the first arrow I found that my glasses hindered my aiming , so I removed them and don't know why I never tried this before . Anyway I think I may invest in contact lenses next lol
Just the opposite with me. I bought a new Parker Trailblazer. Started shooting in the basement last December, and got bored to death. After I got it set up, it was no challenge. So, I picked up my recurve, and started shooting crappy groups at 10 yards. But, I shot every day! And, I said to myself, "this is like pitching baseballs - some balls, more strikes, and a few wild pitches." The wild pitches went into the cement blocks. Now, I've got new shooting gamse. There are 5 deer feet on the target. I shoot those. Then, I intentionally put an arrow into a blank area. Then I may shoot at my own arrow. The groups have tightened up remarkably. Best of all, it's still enjoyable because it's a challenge. Without that challenge, I'm bored and walk away.
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