I really like the one Jeff has on the left (anatomical right) side. That is similar to what I will probably get if/when I should be fortunate enough to get another one worthy of mounting in the future. Here the only mount I currently have, probably not a pose I would have picked otherwise, but this is exactly what he looked like when he came in, he was acting VERY aggressive towards a little button buck and actually chasing him when he came in to my set. He was stiff legged and had hair standing on his back the whole way in, until he figured out something wasn't right........it was too late then though......... There is another I should be picking up shortly that is a rifle kill, I *should* have it in the next 2-3 months...........I'll post some pics when I finally pick it up.
Buckmaster, is that an electric fireplace? How does that heat the place? scale of 1-10?? nice mounts btw!
I do taxidermy on the side and have learned a lot in the years i have been doing it. the main thing i can tell you is not to make price your number one factor in deciding upon taxidemists. Average price varies from area to area. As the old saying goes "you get what you pay for" the same goes for taxidermy. a top quality taxidermist isnt going to be the cheapest guy but you will be very pleased with the work that you get with a top quality taxidermist. For you guys here that are searching and want to see some quality work and get some good idea of what a true "quality" mount is, check out taxidermy.net ...And when you go to check out a taxidermist dont let your eyes drift the the horns, be sure to check out the eyes, nose and ears, these are the most important things on a mount! Take a picture of a live deer with you and compare the live deer to the mounts in the guy/girls shop. I hope this helps some of you guys in looking for a good taxidermist for you next trophy! -Adam
I was going to say the same. My taxidermist had my last deer 7 months. She promises them within a year. I also pay $435. I hope yours turns out OK.
Good post Adam, couldn't agree more!! Question for you on hide tanning- Do you send your hides off to get tanned or do you do the quick job?
I know this is kinda late but my friend recently got his mount back for this year and he went with a pedestal mount. If I ever am fortunate enough to get a buck that scores well enough, I think I'll have a hard time not going with one. They are definitely pricey, but they look great. Here is a picture of my buddies mount.
Brandon 8807, I think I recognize that deer from a picture. Was it shot in Ilinois? I'll never forget that G2 on the right side!!!!
Schultzy- i sent the hides out..it might take a little longer but its worth getting them done right. Brandon- thats an awesome buck and a beautiful mount! i think i saw that one on prairiestateoutdoors.com
A few things have said about the price I'm paying for my mount. One thing that you guys need to take into considerationg is that mounts in this area are relatively cheap. I paid $275 for my first mount, and it turned out excellent. I would have taken it back to them again, but this guy actually did a lot of their work for my previous taxidermist. So I decided to take it to him, and give him a shot. EVERYONE in my area seems to charge somewhere between $250-$300 for shoulder mounts. I have no clue why this is, but I'm not complaining, as long as the work is good. First and only mount I have right now. Which is a $275 mount.
Thanks for replying back. I always wonder when a person gets a mount back quick (3 month time or so) If the tanning was done the quick method. I know back In the day the quick way of tanning didn't last too long. Thanks again Adam!!
Matt- i understand that average prices are different in certain areas, its all about demand..in some places the average could be around $500 where others it could be around $300. im not at all saying theres anything wrong with a $275 dollar mount, i was just trying to say dont let price be a major deciding factor in your search for a taxidermist because is could hurt you in the long run. As long as your happy with your trophy thats all that counts!! Congrads on the deer by the way. Schultzy- some people can do a very good job of doing the tanning in house but it requires practice/knowlege/ and the proper tools, but in most cases it is a good bet just to send it out to the prefessionals
I just got these two mounts back recently. I killed the deer on the left in September, and the one on the right is my Dad's that he killed in '05.
silverflicker those pics are great your little girl looks like she may tip over from the weight of that bad boy . you have got some great bucks and mounts there
That's a awesome collection of deer. Several of those would be trophys or once in a lifetime bucks for me. Congrats.