Jeff, I love having their ears pinned back. This one will definately have that. Now, I'm trying to decide between a semi and a full sneak. The full sneak looks great with the ears pinned back. I'm going to look at the taxidermists shop soon (when I take the buck) to look at his catalogs. I know one thing, it's a great decision to be faced with. I'm very thankful.
Since you are looking at full sneaks... Here is a Mckenzie head up full sneak with the ears back that I have photo of... I do not have any photos of the semi sneak with ears back mount that I have in the computer or photobucket. Hope this helps.
That is not an aggressive posture for the ears.... If the white part of the ear is cupped down it is an aggressive posture. This is an example of an aggressive placement.
Ok, well I don't think I'll go with the agressive pose. I Like the "in between" like Jeff's and yours.
Matt, probably already seen the pose somewhere on here, but here is my Semi-sneak ears back but not aggressive... IMO. I have a lot of other angles if your interested. just pm me.
But I must add Matt... Contact NCCrittergitter... Ask if he has a pic of his pedestal mount.... I fell in love with it, when I seen it at his house, and I've never even considered a pedestal mount... I want one now.
I will be sure to let her know you guys approve. There is space at the bottom for if she ever gets a fawn to put down there.
right turn semi sneak with ears back another semi sneak (not mine) semi sneak (not mine) not sure what they call this one.:D EASY GERM
Well guys, I decided to bring this thread back from the dead. I dropped my buck off last night, and spent the better part of two hours with the guys. For one, this is the first time I have used this taxidermist, and I have to admit, I think he's going to be a "keeper". Super nice guy, does real good work, and will do WHATEVER you want. Not to mention I'm only spending $250 on this mount. I had a very hard time deciding between all of the forms, it was a tough one. I ended up going with the McKenzie 6500, which is what my first deer is mounted on. I know I wanted something different but I just liked the looks of it. I KNEW what I was getting with that one. I got a left turn on this one too, opposite of the one I already have. As far as the ears go, he's going to call me when he gets to that part and we are going to play with them a little bit. I'm either going with them back, or one kinda up, and one back. I'm not exactly sure. He could tell I was unsure of how I wanted the ears and that's why he asked if I wanted him to call me when he gets to that point. Another great thing is that he said he should have it done in a month or a month and a half, which is absolutely ridiculous. He still takes plenty of time on each mount but he doesn't do this for a living so he doesn't have the sheer volume of animals to mount. I was number 21 on the year. Hopefully I'll have an update with pics soon!
Here are my two. I like the ears one up and one slightly back. In my opinion both ears back makes them look like a donkey. One ear up and one slightly back makes them look more realistic like they are listening for sounds around them.
Matt, sounds like you've found quite the guy. I would say careful with that period though. If I remember correctly, the longest part has to do w/ tanning the hide. Done correctly that's what suppose to take the months that typical people wait. I've heard of them done sooner, but that means it wasn't tanned properly which it makes the coat deteriorate a lot faster. You might want to look into this or ask someone who knows about tanning (I could have my info crossed).