For those of us that have never attempted one, and seems now is the time to start. Can we get informative directions on how exactly you do this? Thanks!
Reach on down there with your hands, push a bunch of leaves out of the way and pee on the dirt. Oh, and don't forget to lick the branch.
Do you pee on the branch first? first wear gloves Ceate a licking branch Spray scent(doe unrine or buck urine) I have put my first dripper up on Saturday, Sunday it was tore up. I put active scrape in the dipper.
There is a video about making them, on here, Justin makes a mock scrape or two and explains his process and the product he used, a mock scrape kit (I forget the name).
A thread I made in the past about it.... I go about my mock setups differently than most, as I only use them for one day setups, not conditioned scrapes.
Ok, seriously.........I set up in a natural funnel, somewhere the bucks would be cruising through anyway. I don't use a scrape as an attractant, I use them as a distraction. Use a branch to clear out the leaves and expose the dirt. Make it big and visible, but not huge. I like to leave a leaf in the center to use as a bowl to hold the buck urine. And I scatter some around on the ground. This set up has worked in the past, just not on a buck I've wanted to shoot. I've had lots of them bury their noses in the scrape, which would have allowed me the window I needed to get the job done, if I chose to.
After watching Mr. Graff's video... Sunday I made 3 mock scrapes. 1st. Find a good area with a good tree.... it seems that crab apple trees are a favorite for the bucks in my area. 2nd. Be scent free.... rubber boots, plastic gloves, ect. 3rd. (From Mr. Graffs video) Dig a hole in the ground, roughly 18" wide and around 10" deep. Line it with wax paper and cover with dirt. The wax paper helps prevent the scent from dispersing into the ground. After two days, my scrapes smelled like i had just made them) 4th. If there is no licking branch... cut a branch down and tie it over the scrape. At this point I like to tear the leaves off and break the ends to make it look used. 5th. Add scents (I tried a mixture of the Tink's Scrape Scent.... HS Dominant Buck Urine... and Primos's new scrape pellets that are made to look like deer droppings... they supposidly last 30-45 days so you don't have to freshen your scrape every few days.
This is probably a stupid question. But is there a certian amount you should use, since i have never used one im curious?
I tell ya, I made two this afternoon within an hours time I had 4 does the came into both of them for 20 minutes. There was one deer that wouldn't commit and hung up about 35 yards out that the does kept looking back at! It was awesome, they kept going from scrape to scrape, back and forth! All I did was take a stick, scrape the ground, pour some active scrape in, take that same stick and bust the licking branch and got back in my tree! This was all done on a scrape/rub line that was fresh as could be. I'm going to let it sit for a day and take my son in this weekend!
i just bought that Tinks Mock Scrape...dug up fresh ground about as wide as a basketball.....sprayed it very well..and sprayed the branch above it with it...and everytime i check seems to either be freshed up on the ground or have gotten bigger..